I Just Want To Be Loved

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Cas was down. Depressed. His wife, Meg, left him, taking the kids with her. He got an aviction notice on his house because he couldn't pay it on his own. He was acting bad. The writers where thinking about killing his character for good because they where 'wasting money on bad acting'. That's what they told Cas. They hadn't yet written it but they where probably going to if Cas didn't start working hard again. So he did. He now barely slept. Worked 2 jobs. Moved out his house to a more affordable flat. Sam nd Dean, the brothers and Cas's best friends, saw what was going on. They tryed to help but Cas would say 'I'm fine'. Cas was getting better. That was until he got death notes. At first he ignored them. But they kept coming. He told no one. But they where getting to him. He started to wish death upon himself too. Then he went back to what he was before. But worse. He started to self halm. He managed to keep his job as acting. He put all his effort into that. He didn't sleep or eat. He always wore long sleave shirts. He knew he was important to people. He knew people loved him. He just didn't feel loved.

On set today, Sam and Dean decided to prak him. Pie in the face. That sent him over the edge. He stormed of to his trailer. He found a t-shirt to wipe his face with. He took his shirt off and looked in the mirror. He had scars over his chest and stomach. As well as down his arms. He got a blade from the nightstand and held it to his wrist. Mabye he should go deeper today. So he did. He dug the blade into his skin. Tears pricking his eyes at the pain. He pulled the blade away and looked at the fresh cut. He cut again, this time deeper. He gasped. Too deep. His wrist started to squirt out blood. He got another t-shirt and wrapped it around his wrist. It wouldn't stop. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help feel a little bit happy deep down. His pain would finally be over. He removed the shirt and cut his over wrist. Just as deep as the other. His trailer door opened as he settled down the blade.

"No" he said. His pain wouldn't be over now. Dean stood there. He quickly came in and got a towel. He wrapped Cas's wrists up.

"I'll ask questions later but we need to get you to the hospital" Dean said. Cas nodded. The two went to the hospital. Dean by Cas's side the whole way. The doctor wrapped Cas's wrists up and left the room. Dean sat cross legged at the end of the bed.

"Why?" he asked. Cas didn't look him in the eyes.

"Come on Cas, I'm your friend, you can tell me" Dean pushed.

"I-I-I just can't live. I don't want to. I'm not loved. Meg left me. I got kicked out my house. Nearly of the show. I don't have any money. I'm not loved. I just want to be loved" Cas cryed. Dean was shocked. He hated seeing Cas upset, let alone wanting to die. He scooted up next to him and brought him in his arms. Cas cryed even more.

"I love you" his voice broke. "I love every bit about you" tears threatened to spill
"I love the way you tilt your head when you are confused. I love the toothy grin that you do. I love your sex hair. I love your beautiful blue eyes. I love your laugh. I love how your eyes light up when you see something you like. I love your stupid sweaters that you sometime wear. I love you" Dean was now crying. So was Cas.

"What about Lisa?" Cas asked. Dean ignored it and wrapped his arms around Cas.

"I love you" he said again. Cas let out a weak chuckle. He felt loved. For the first time in months. He wrapped his arms around Deans waist. They slowly moved to a laying down position, Cas's head on Deans chest. Sam came into the doorway, Lisa behinde. Cas had fallen asleep in Deans arms. Lisa looked at Dean. He shyly smiled at her. She smiled back.

"I guess I could see this coming" she said. Dean chuckled

"Yeah, sorry, but it's always been Cas" Dean said. She nodded.

"Well, I hope he gets better soon, he should with you" she said and walked away. Sam raised hie eye brows

"Arkward" he said. Dean chuckled again, making Cas wake up. He looked at Dean. Clear blue into forest green. Dean smiled. Cas smiled back.

"I love you, too, by the way" he said. Dean smile grew

"I love you, more" he said. Cas smile turned into his toothy grin. He leaned up and pressed his lips to Deans. Dean kissed back straight away and Sam managed to get a picture of their first kiss with out them seeing. They pulled away and smiled even more.

Cas got way better. He still didn't feel the love that everyone gave him but he knew Dean loved him. Dean was contantly saying he did. They got married after being together for 4 years. They told each other everything that night. And it ended in cuddling. Cas was loved.

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