Dean Has Wings?

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Cas appeard in the motel room Sam and Dean where staying at. They where both asleep and what caught Cas of guard the most was that Dean had 2 green wings sproating out from in-between his shoulder blades. They where much like his own but green. Why green? There has never been a living thing with green angel wings unless... No. That couldn't be. Could it? After a while of looking at the magnificent sight, he decided to wake the hunter up and show him how to hide them before Sam woke up.

He gently tapped Dean's shoulder. Dean shot up, grabbing his gun. Cas pressed his finger to his lips and Dean lowered the gun, now seeing who it is. Cas tapped Dean's head and flew them to a clearing in the woods.

"What's going- WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE?" Dean shouted, now noticing his wings.

"Um, Angel wings and they're beautiful" Cas answered. Dean blushed.

"T-thank you, but why do I have them?"

"I don't know but when someone gets wings, no matter what kind of spell, they can't get rid of them."

"Cas, look at me for two seconds and not my wings" Cas eyes moved to Dean's.

"I woke you up and brought you out here because I thought you might want to know how to hide them so humans don't freak out" Cas explain, showing his own wings. Cas's where bigger than Dean's. Pure black. And there where 4.    Not 2.     4.

"Why do you have 4?" Dean asked. Cas shrugged

"I don't know, I was born with them. I only normally show 2 though. All the other angels where jealous and made me hide them. Gabe said it was cool. He has 6. They're black because I rebelled." Cas told him.

"So, how do I hide them and why are they green?" Dean asked

"You need to focus really hard, all on your wings. You have to think about what you want them to do then the do it. Like I want mine to stretch out. I think about it then they do it" Cas wings stretched out by his sides. Dean closed his eyes and focused really hard on thinking about his wings hiding. After a few minutes they disappeared.

"You did it" Cas exclaimed. Dean opened his eyes and smiled.

"I did it" he said. Cas made his disappear.

"It'll get easier and all the other stuff like flying and healing will come to you automatically." he told the hunter.

"I can fly and heal?" Dean asked, stepping closer to Cas. The angel nodded

"It all comes from your wings." he said

"What else can they be used for?"

"Let's get back to the motel and I'll tell you everything about them" Cas said before tapping Dean on the head again. Dean sat down on his bed and Cas sat next to him.

"They can be used for healing, flying, sexual uses, battle, they're bullet proof,-" Cas whispered but Dean cut him of

"Sexual uses?" he asked in a whisper. Cas nodded and smirked

"Mabye I can show you when you get back to the bunker" he said. In the dim light of the room, you could see Deans blush. Cas gave a light chuckle and stood up.

"I'll see you in the morning, Dean" he said and disappeared. Dean was left blushing. What just happened? Did Cas just flirt with him? He didn't sleep. When Sam woke up in the morning, Cas came back. He winked at Dean who blushed again.

"How are your wings, do they hurt at all?" Cas asked, sitting on Dean's bed. Dean shook his head.

"Dean has wings?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I woke up with them. Cas has been helping me with them. Taught me how to control them. Told me their uses. Showed me his." Dean told him. Sam nodded, a confused expression on his face.

"You didn't tell me why they are green. Aren't they supposed to be white?" Dean asked Cas.

"It's really, really, really rare for an Angels wings to be a color, but when they do, it's when their soul was born angel but it didn't get to the angel stage so something must of triggered it like... thinking about another angel in... ways...." Cas trailed of. Dean blushed and looked away from Cas.

"Well, Dean, that makes 2 of us" Cas smirked. Dean looked at him and the angel winked. Dean gulped.

"Are we going back to the bunker today?" he asked Sam, changing the subject.

"Yeah, leave in 30?" Sam said. Dean nodded.

When the got back to the bunker, Cas was already dragging Dean to his room. He pushed the hunter up against the closed door and kissed him. It was heated and sloppy. Cas pulled the hunters layers on his torso of. He pressed inbetween Dean's shoulder blades and his wings shot out. Dean removed Cas's trench coat, suit jacket and shirt. He tryed the thing that Cas did with him to get his wings out but it didn't work. Cas chuckled into the kiss. He moved Dean's hand down a bit to get the right spot. Dean pushed down and Cas's wings came out. 

"So, sexual uses?" Dean asked as Cas kissed down his throat, biting when his neck met his shoulder. Dean let out a moan. Cas trailed a finger from the end of one of Deans wings to the middle. He threaded his fingers threw the feathers at the base and Dean's knees buckled. He fell into the angel with a loud moan. Cas chuckled and moved Dean to the bed. He lead down on his front and Cas said on his but. He messed with the feathers on Dean's wings. The hunter moaned. Cas got of Dean.

"Get on all fours" he told Dean. The hunter did. Cas pulled Dean's trousers down to his knees and licked over the other man's hole. Dean pushed back onto his toung, loving the new feeling.  Cas moved one hand from Dean's left cheek to his left wing. He gave the hunter pleasure to much to take. He removed all touch from Dean. He quickly pulled Dean's trousers and boxers of all the way. He took his of too and slicked up his dick using pre-come. He slowly sank into Dean, the hunter moaned like a professional pornstar. Once Cas was in all the way, he started setting a fast pace. He pulled out and turned Dean around before pushing back in. The hunter leaned up and catched Cas's lips in his, snaking his hands around to the base of Cas's wings. He threaded his fingers threw the silky feathers. Cas moaned and went harder. He grabbed a hand full of Dean's feathers. Dean let out a loud moan as Cas hit his sweet spot while doing so. It didn't take much longer for them to come. Dean gripped onto Cas's wings as he came. The bunker blacked out and Dean knew it wasn't him. Cas came deep inside Dean. He lowed his pace to a stop.

"Cas?" Dean said, panting.


"Did you just black out the bunker?" the hunter asked. Cas chuckled

"What, it felt good" he defended. Dean started laughing. Cas pulled out. He clicked his fingers and all the lights where back on. Cas face dropped

"Shit" he said. Dean looked at him, confused.

"What?" he asked. Cas ran his fingers threw his black mop.

"We forgot to use protection" he said.

"I'm a guy, Cas" Dean told him. Cas shook his head.

"No, your an angel, all angels can have children. I am so stupid. What if I've just got you pregnant. I can't be a dad. I can barely take care of myself. I'm a failure. I-" Cas ranted but Dean cut him of with a kiss.

"We can do it. I don't mind having a kid. As long as it's with you" Dean told him. Cas smiled.

"You mean that?" he asked. Dean nodded.

"I love you, Cas. It would be an honor to have your kids. But chick flick moment over. I want sleep" he said. Cas chuckled he layed down on the bed and pulled Dean with him.

"I love you, too. I can't wait for our family." they both fell asleep. Turns out, Dean was pregnant. He gave birth to a baby boy. They named him Aubrey.

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