The Bet

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It was just one little bet. One little bet that his best friend Benny started. Dean was bet 200 pounds that he couldn't get with the senior hotness, Castiel Novak. He was only a sophomore so there was no way he could. He even said no before Benny brought 200 into it. So he had to say yes. He could flirt. That's all he had to do. So he walked up to Castiel and his breath was taken back at his eyes. Pure blue and so beautiful.

"Hey, I'm Dean, Dean Winchester," Dean said.

"Hey Dean. I'm Cas" Cas said back. Dean glanced back at Benny.

"Ok, you see that guy over there. He's bet me 200 that you won't go out with me cuz I'm a sophomore and you're a senior. But your eyes are just so blue" he said, blushing. Cas chuckled.

"You're cute. How about we split the money? Have a date? Kiss now? See how it goes from there?" Cas asked. Dean eagerly nodded and became flustered again. Cas grabbed his jacked and spun around so Dean was on the wall. He smashed their mouths together. Dean moaned slightly into it. Cas got tapped on the shoulder and he broke away. He turned to see Meg Masters.

"Oh, hey?" Cas said.

"You're cheating on me," she said.

"Oh, shit, am I? I'm not sorry. Maybe you should've thought about that before cheating on me. But now I've got Dean. He's better than you already" Cas said. He then kissed Dean again. And that's how Dean ended up here, pushed against a wall with a tongue down his throat. Two hands on his thighs as Cas picked him up and pushed him harder onto the wall. His arms wrapped securely around Cas's neck to make sure he didn't leave. He fingers tangled in the hair at the back of Cas's head. Cas eventually pulled away to breath. But he went back for more after not long.

"You're so addictive" he said, in-between kisses. The two only stopped when the bell went. Cas put Dean down and pulled out a pen. He wrote his number on Dean's arm.

"You plan the date. Tell your friends that I said yes to being with you. Because willyoubemyboyfriend?"  Cas asked. Dean chuckled and nodded.

"Good, call me" Cas said, pecking Dean's lips and walking away. Dean walked back to Benny.

"Hand it over" he said. Benny groaned and handed 200 over. He put Cas's number into his phone.

D- I got your 100

Dean texted.

C- Thanks Princess xx 😘

D- 🥰

Dean put his phone away.

"Benny, I think I'm falling in love," he said. Benny chuckled.

"Good luck," he said. Dean rolled his eyes and walked off to his lesson. After school, he texted Cas.

D- Can you meet me outside the school?

C- On my way 😘

D- 😘

C- 😘

D- 😘

The two met outside.

"Where you taking me?" Cas asked with a smirk.

"My Uncle Bobby and Aunty Ellen's place" Dean answered. Cas nodded. The two jumped into Cas's car and drove there. When they walked in, Dean shouted for Bobby. A guy in a baseball cap came out.

"Bobby, can we have a table for 2, please"  Dean asked.

"First, you're gonna tell me who this is. Then you can have a table"  Bobby said. Dean nodded.

"This is the senior I was telling you about" he said.

"The one that ' has the most beautiful eyes their could ever be and his sex hair that's so fucking hot, but he's just so hot in general. He's like a fucking angel'?" Bobby asked, doing air quotes. Dean nervously chuckled and nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. Cas had a small smile on his face.

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