I Love You, Dean

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Saam was fed up. He was fed up with the two. The two that had enough sexual tention between them that you could cut it with a knife. The two that where constantly eye fucking. The two who where always standing close to each other. The two that where always saving each others life. The two that where hopelessly in love with each other. Sam had decided to put his plan into action. Some how, he had to get Dean tied to a chair. Dean was sat in the library reading up on law.

"Hey, Dean" he said as he walked into the room.

"Hey-a Sammy" Dean said back.

"I want to say I'm sorry in advance" Sam told his brother.

"Sorry for wh-" Dean was knocked out before he could finish. Sam dragged him to the dungion and tied him to a chair. He put ducktape across Dean's mouth. Now he had to get the angel.

"Cas, Dean's in trouble" he said. With a flutter of wings, Cas was there.

"Sorry, Cas" Sam said as he knocked him out. Sam tied cas up too infront of Dean. Sam put an angel trap so Cas couldn't teleport out. Now he had to wait until they woke up. Cas was the first and he wasn't very happy. A couple minutes later, Dean woke up and he wasn't happy either.

"Now I have your attention, let's talk about your feelings for one another." he said.

"This isn't funny, Sam. Let us go" Dean said. Sam ignored him and started working a truth spell.

"So Dean, what do you think about Cas" Sam asked with a smug smile. Dean glared at him, fighting the spell

"You son of a bitch" Dean said.

"Answer the question, Dean. What do you think of Cas?" Sam pushed.

"I love him" Dean said, tears coming to his eyes.

"Why?" Sam said

"'cuz of his sex hair and beautiful blue eyes and the way he doesn't understand references and the small smiles that he dose and when he tilts his head in confusion, he just so adorable and I love him." Dean ranted and was almost crying

"How much do you love him?" Sam asked.

"I want to marry him" Sam knew he had messed up when tears started to fall from Dean's eyes. He quickly untied his brother.

"I'm sor-" Sam started but was cut of by a fist in the jaw. He held it because it hurt so much.

"Don't" Dean snapped. He walked out he room. Sam untied Cas and broke the trap. Cas punched him too. Sam deserved it. The angel was more than angry. Cas went to Dean's room. He opened the door to see Dean lead on his bed, crying. Cas came in the room and closed the door. He removed his shoes, coat and suit jacket before laying down next to Dean. They both steared at the ceiling.

"I love you" Cas whispered after a while. A whole new set of tears run down Dean's cheeks. Cas pulled Dean into his chest.

"I love you, Dean" Cas repeated. Dean leaned up and pressed a gentil kiss to the angels lips. Cas kissed back and placed a hand on the back of Dean's neck to push their lips closer. Dean opeded his mouth and Cas liped his toung inside. The hunter moaned slightly and straddle his angel. Dean slowly broke away and snuggled into Cas's neck.

"Stay with me" Dean whispered.

"Always" Cas whispered back.

They both soon fell asleep.

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