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Cas and Dean where 2 quite famous actors. They where dating until they got death threats and had to brake up. And then Dean found out he was pregnant. He had an ultrasound, but went on his own, and got a picture taken on the baby. Now he was on his was to Castiel's house. He now had a girlfriend but they didn't like each other. They always argued. Dean knocked and Meg Masters opened it.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Can I speak to Cas?" Dean asked, not wanting to deal with her shit. Cas came into the doorway and made her go away.

"What you gonna do? Have a quicky on the door step?" she said.

"You know what, I might. Now fuck off" Cas said. She rolled her eyes and walked back in the house. Cas looked back to Dean.

"Hey" Dean whispered.

"Hey" Cas whispered back. He let Dean inside and they sat in the living room. Meg called Cas and he walked away. Dean quickly grabbed Cas's favourite book and slipped the picture inside somewhere. Cas should find it soon. Cas came back in the room and Dean stood up.

"You ok?" Dean asked. Cas nodded.

"Yeah, she's just trying to get me to fuck her. My last time was you and I refuse to do it with anyone else" Cas whispered the last part and Dean blushed and smiled.

"Sam called me, I need to go pick him up" Dean said. Cas nodded. Dean left and Cas sat down. Dean didn't really have to pick Sam up. He just needed a reason to get out the house. Cas picked up his book and opened it to the page he was on. Meg came into the room and sat on a different sofa. She turned on the TV. Cas turned the page and a picture fell out and onto his lap. A picture of an unborn baby. He looked up to Meg. She didn't look pregnant at all. He turned the pictured and read the back. 'Dean Winchester'. From 3 days ago. A small smile appeared on his lips. He slipped it onto his back pocket on his jeans and stood up.

"I'm going out for a bit" he announced but Meg wasn't listening. He grabbed his shoes and coat and put them on. He raced out the house and drove to Dean's. He knocked on the door and Sam answered it.

"Can I speak to Dean, please?" he asked. Dean came to the doorway. Cas pulled him into his arms and span around with him. Dean laughed. Cas put him down and pressed their lips together.

"That's if you want me to be part of your life again" Cas said, pulling away. Dean nodded and pulled him back in. They made their way into the apartment and onto the sofa. Cas sat down first and Dean straddled him.

"We've got a little baby growing inside you" Cas said, looking at the tiny, barely visible, bump. You could only notice it was there because it was pushing against Dean's shirt. Cas's phone suddenly started ringing. Cas got it.

"It's Meg" he said. Dean picked it up.

"I'm not sorry but the person you are trying to reach, Castiel aventually Winchester, is currently unavailable since he is hugging his boyfriend and unborn baby. Don't worry, he'll be hugging the actual baby in uh, 4 months now. Please don't leave a message after the tone since there isn't gonna be one. Don't try calling this number because you are b-l-o-c-k-e-d. If you can't spell, it spells blocked. Tata" he said and hung up. Cas smiled at him.

"Thank you" he said. Dean hugged him, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Anytime" he said. Cas kissed the side of his head and leaned into the sofa more. Dean soon fell asleep. Sam sat down on the sofa next to them.

"So I'm gonna be an uncle?" he asked, eating some crips. Dean suddenly sat up.

"I'm hungry" he said. Cas chuckled. He and Dean got up.

"If we get death threats again, will we brake up?" Dean asked. Cas shook his head.

"Nothing can keep you from me. I-I love you" he said. Dean smiled.

"I love you, too" he said. The two went out to eat. They went to Mcdonalds because why not. Dean got a big mac. And Cas got chicken nuggets. They took a few selfies with fans that came up to them. They even shared a sweet kiss. People took pictures but they didn't care. They where happy.

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