Just Leave It

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This was the moment the whole school found out about the jock and the nerd. The moment that Dean's reputation got rewened. He didn't care though as long as his angel was safe.
They had be dating for 6 years now.

Everyone knew Cas as the gay nerd. Everyone knew Dean as the school football teams captain. The jock.

No one knew that Cas and Dean even knew each other exept from there family. They had been friends since they started primary school.

Everybody thought they were the most different people in the world but they were wrong. They were quite similar.

Cas was on the floor, by his locker, being kicked in the stomach by Crowley. The school bully who thinks he is in charge of everyone. Even the teachers.

Cas was coughing up blood now and was slowly sliping into unconsciousness.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL!!" came a voice from the crowd of people watching. Dean appeared infront of Crowley. He was much taller that him and you could see that it intimated Crowley.

He pushed Crowley back receiving 'ooooo's' from the gathered people.

"Look at this. The jock protecting the fag" Crowley chuckled.

"Dean, just leave it" came a weak voice from behind him. Dean turned around and kneeled next to Cas, helping him sit up, worry in his eyes.

All of a sudden, Crowley threw a punch witch Dean caught in his hand. Dean got up, his hand still closed around Crowley's fist, now anger in his eyes for hurting his angel. He used his other fist to punch Crowley in the face, braking his nose. Crowley sunk to the floor, whimpering.

"You ok babe?" Dean asked Cas. Cas nodded and let a tear run down his face. Dean pulled Cas closer. Cas buried his head into Dean's shoulder and let it all out.

Dean lifted up Cas bridal style and walked out the front doors of the school. A lot of students followed them, whispering among themselves.

Dean placed Cas in the shotgun seat of baby. He placed a soft kiss on Cas's lips, witch people took pictures of, but he couldn't care less.

He closed the door and put his middle finger up to everyone that was watching. He got in the drivers seat and drove away to his house. When they got there, Dean carried Cas in and up to his room.

"Why did you help me?" Cas asked as he was seateled down on the bed.

"Because he was hurting you and I won't let anyone hurt you again" Dean said wiping some of the blood away from Cas face.

"But everyone is going to know now Dean, you're going to have rewened your popularity and everything" Cas said

"I don't care what people think of me. All I care about is you being safe and not getting hurt." Dean placed a kiss on Cas's fourhead. "I love you and that is all that matters"

"I love you too" Cas said back with a weak smile. He parted his lips slightly and Dean took the opitunity to kiss him. It was a sweet loving one.

When they walked into school the next day, Dean's arm around Cas's waist, no one dared to mess with the nerd. 

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