Stuck In The Bunker

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It was now going into the Autumn season and the rain wasn't stopping any time soon. Luckily, Sam had gone on a supplie run before. The tried to open the door one day but quickly closed it after water came flooding in. So now they were stuck in the bunker for Chuck knows long. Cas and Dean secretly didn't mind. It meant they could spen more time together. Sam still didn't know of corse. Only Kevin did. They had nothing to do so they spent their days reading. Cas and Dean obviously sneaking away sometimes.

"How about we watch a movie?" Dean asked entering the library were Kevin and Sam were sat. Cas followed soon after. As you can guess, they had just been making out in the kitchen. Cas had Dean pushed up against a wall.

"What we watching" Sam asked

"How about we do a how to train you're dragon marathon?" Kevin said

"NO!" everyone else shouted.

"Pitch perfect marathon?" he suggested again. They voted who wanted to watch it. 3 to 1. Dean the one saying no. They made their way to the living room. Sam turned his chair around to the TV so he had a better view. Kevin sat on the floor and Dean and Cas sat on the sofa behinde them. Cas snuggled into Deans side since Sam wasn't looking. Dean iterwinded their fingers together. Cas blushed as Dean light kissed Cas on the head.

"For an angel of the lord, you blush a lot" Dean told him in a wisper.

"That's because you make me" Cas said back still in a wisper. After that, niether of them paid attention to the tv. They were too interested in each other. Expecially when they started making out quietly. Kevin cleared his throat when he saw. They finally paid attention to the 3rd one. Cas started singing along to some of the song witch made Dean smile. When it was finneshed, Cas and Dean jumped apart so Sam wouldn't see. Dean went out into the kitchen to cook everyone dinner. He was making burgers. He also had a 'no other person in the kitchen while he was cooking' policy witch everyone stuck too. Dean got all the ingredients out and placed them on the table.

"Need help?" Cas said walking in the kitchen. He went to Dean and wrapped his arms around his waist. Dean smiled and leaned back

"You can cut the onions if you want" Dean told him. Castiel noded and went over to the onions that were already placed on a bored with a knife. Cas sighed then looked down.

"Dean, I've never cut onions before." Dean chuckled and went over to the angel. He lifted Cas's head up with his hand. He placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Don't worry. I'll teach you" he wispered. He gently put his hand on top of Cas's and went behinde him, resting his chin on his shoulder. Cas smiled at the touch of his hunter. Dean helped Cas slice threw the vegetable. After a while, Dean let go of Cas's and went back to doing what he was doing before. Cas whimpered making Dean turn back around. Dean smiled and brought Cas in for a kiss. He pulled away smiling.

"Happy now?" he asked.

"Definatly" Cas replied. Dean cooked then built the burgers. He brought them to the map room table which he had previously told Sam to set. Cas and Dean sat next to each other and Sam and Kevin were around the otherside. Thay ate and talked for a while. Dean reached over and placed his hand on Cas's thigh, starting to squeeze and rub it up and down. His hand went to the inner part of his leg, nearer his crotch. Castiel tenced up and tried to force the blush down that was creeping across his face. Dean saw this and decided to take it one step further by directly placing his hand on Cas's dick. Cas almost chocked on his beer as Dean did this. Dean started teasing the angel and decided to pray to him.

"Hey babe, tap he table if you can hear this"  Cas looked up to Dean then tapped the table. "I would have you right here right now if Sammy and Kevin weren't here." Cas went a dark shade of red "I know you're hard at the moment, I can feel it." Dean slowly squeezed at where his hand was "Tap the table if I'm right"  Cas tapped the table again. "I'm going to make and excuse to leave. You follow 10 minutes later." Dean got up

"I'm going to clean the dishes" he said picking up the empty plates and walking out. 10 minutes later, Cas got up and went the same way as Dean. He found him in the kitchen waiting for him. Dean dragged Cas to the nearest one of their rooms that happened to be Deans. Cas locked the door once they were inside. Cas pushed Dean up against the wall. Dean secretly loved it when Cas was dominent, in Cas's controll. It was like falling under a spell. Cas loved it too. He could make Dean willingly do anything he wanted. Cas pressed his lips against Deans who immediately responded and kissed back. Dean let his hands wonder up Cas's shirt, tracing the outlines of the muscles of the well built man. Dean removed Cas's coat and then his suit jacket. Cas's hands went to Deans chest. Dean lifted his arm up so he's shirt could be removed which Cas quickly did. Dean started to undo the buttons on Cas's shirt. The shirt fell to the floor.

"Dean?" came a voice from behinde the door. To deep to be Kevins so it must be Sam. Cas backed away from Dean. Dean signaled Castiel to go behinde the door. Dean opened it, blocking any other view into the room.

"What do you want Sammy?" Dean asked

"Me and Kevin were about to watch another movie......Why are you shirtless?" he questioned. Dean had completely forgot that he had no top on.

"I was just about to get in the shower."

"Well we're not waiting for you." Sam said walking away.

"Bitch" Dean shouted and got a faint 'jerk' back from down the corridor as he closed the door. He turned round to Cas who had a big grin

"What?" Dean asked

"Nothing" his smile was growing "You were just about to get in the shower, better make it look realistic" Dean smirked

"Care to join me?" Dean asked holding a hand out. Cas took it and then was dragged to the bathroom. Half an hour of making out later, Cas had left first and Dean shortly after. They walked into the living room where Kevin and Sam were sat watching Princess Diarys because everyone thought it would be funny to make Dean sit threw a chick flick. But little did they know Dean secretly loved these movies. Cas fell asleep half way threw. Even though he was an angel, he still fell asleep. He had his head on Deans shoulder while Dean had his arm protectively draped over Cas. After the movie had finished, Dean carried Cas to room 11 and placed him on the bed. Cas opened his eyes enough to see Dean and made grabby hands. Dean smiled and went over to lock the door before sliding into bed with Cas. He soon fell asleep with Cas's head on his chest.

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