I'm As Straight As A Roundabout

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"You're so hot when you're in a proper suit" Dean said as he pushed Cas against the wall, in the alley next to the bar.

They had finished a case and where still in their suits. They decided to where three piece suits for a change, ones with waist coats. They killed the thing then hit the bar. Sam was still in the bar after asking Dean about his sexuality, Dean stormed out. Sam was pretty sure that he was bi. Sam told Cas to go and see if he was ok, to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Cas gladly did since they where going out. Sam doesn't know.

Dean smashed his lips into Cas's, biting slightly on his botem lip. Cas flipped them over so Dean was against the wall.

"So do you but I can't wait to get it of you" Cas said. Dean loved it when he talked dirty. Cas pressed his hips to Deans, making him moan.

Cas broke the kiss and kissed along his jaw before going down his neck. Once he found his sweat spot, Dean let out a moan. Cas pulled away and looked at Dean. Dean whimpered at the loss

"We can't do it here" Cas said. Dean rolled his eyes but dragged Cas towards baby witch was luckily just across the road. The motel was next to it.

"We are not doing it in the room incase Sam comes back" Dean said as he started the engine of the car.

They drove across to the other side of town to go to a different motel. They brought a room for the night. They didn't even got to their room before they where joined at the lips again.

Cas opened the door and then shut it with his foot. He walked Dean to the bed and pushed him onto it, him crawling ontop. Dean sat up for a minutes so Cas could get the layers of clothing of him. He did the same to Cas and now there was bare chests rubbing against eath other.

For an angel of the lord, Cas was well built. Before he possessed Jimmy Novak, the vessel was weak and skinny. Now, it was muscular and strong. Dean liked it.

Dean wasn't in bad shape himself but he wasn't as fit as Cas.

Dean ran his finger threw Cas's messy black hair. Cas pressed his hips to Deans and rocked them back and forth. He knew this turned Dean on. A few hours later of heated, angry, loving sex, Cas flopped down on the bed next to Dean, breathing heavily.

"Amazing" was Deans only words

"Totaly amazing" Cas said back.

"Much needed" Dean added


"My ass hurts"



"Yep" Cas pulled Dean into an embrace and pulled  the covers over them. Dean rested his head on Cas chest and closed his eyes. Cas placed a kiss on Deans head.

"Love you, Angel" Dean whispered

"Love you, too, Dean" Cas said back before closing his eyes and drifting of to sleep himslef.

Cas was the first the wake in the morning. He looked over to the clock and it read 10:17. Sam would be wondering where they had got to.

"Dean, babe, we've got to get up" Cas said placing a kiss on Deans four head. Dean groaned and tightened his grip on Cas.

"Come on, it's twenty past ten" Cas kept on. Dean opened his eyes for a second to look at the clock.

"Fuck" he said as he got out from underneath the covers.

"Sammy's gonna know" he added as he pulled on he jeans. Cas got up to and copied Dean.

Dean finished first and looked towards Cas. He was struggling to do the buttons up on his dress shirt. Dean smirked and went over to Cas. He started doing them upp for him, thinking it was hot. Cas thought so to. Dean tied Cas's tie the way he liked it and placed a soft kiss to his lips.

They checked out and drove back to the other motel. They went to their room and knocked on it incase Sam had someone over before opening it. Sam was sat at a small table on his lap top. He looked to the door when it it opened and smiled when he saw the two together.

"Hey Dean, Cas" Sam said. Dean smiled a fake smile at him "Have fun last night?" Sam added with a smirk. Deans heart dropped. Did Sam know?

"Don't know what you're on about, Sammy" Dean said as he sat on one of the double beds, playing it cool.

"Don't play dumb with me, Dean" Sam said rolling his eyes

"Really, Sam. I don't have a clue what you're on about" Dean said, laying down on the bed, facing the celing. Sam rolled his eyes again and sighed.

"I'm just gonna get to it," he started "I saw you, Dean, push Cas up against the wall in the alley and then I saw Cas push you up against it so don't play dumb" Sam raised his eye brows at the end, waiting for Deans response. Dean sat up straight and looked at Sam with a straight face, his eyes flickered to Cas's momentarily before going back to Sam's.

"Yes, Sam, me and Cas fucked. Shout all you want but it's not going to make the way I feel about Cas change" Dean raised his voice at the end.

"Woah, Dean, hold up. I don't care that you two fucked," he gestered between Cas and Dean
"If anything, I'm happy. You two finally maned up enough to tell each other." Sam finished with a smile. Dean smiled two before pulling Cas down onto the bed with him, both laying down, facing the ceiling.

"I was dieing to do that" Dean giggled as he wrapped his arms around Cas and rested his had on his chest. Cas placed a soft kiss to his head.

"This doesn't mean that you can make out and be lovey, dovey 24/7" Sam added, getting a middle finger from Dean. Cas chuckled.

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