An Angels Mate

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Sam and Dean where in the library talking when shouting came from down the hall that headed towards Cas's room.

"MOTHER FUCKER. WHY THE FUCK DID IT HAVE TO BE TODAY. AND WHY THE FUCK HIM. FOR FUCKS SAKE" Cas shouted while throwing a chair at the wall. It broke. Cas sat down on his bed, his head vesting in his hands as he started to cry. Why did this have to happen? Why him? Cas thought to himself. There was a knock on his door. He stood up and wiped his eyes.

"Come in" he said. Sam opened the door and looked to Cas.

"Is everything ok?" he asked. Castiel thought for a moment before nodding. He didn't need to burden the Winchester's with his problems.

"Are you sure because people don't brake chairs for fun" Sam pushed, nodding towards the broken chair.

"I-um. You can't tell anyone. It's really embarrassing" Cas said, his face turning red.

"I  won't tell anyone" Sam confirmed.

"Not even Dean" Cas added. Sam nodded.

"Promise" he said. Cas nodded. He really didn't want to share but Sam would go and reaserch it anyway. He didn't want Dean finding out. Cas'll have to tell him sooner or later though.

"Um, at some point in an Angels life, they get like a time when all they wanna do is...have relations...uh...with their...uh...truemate or soulmate as you humans put it" Cas explained, feeling incredibly embarrassed. Layed face down on his bed, not wanting to look Sam in the eyes.

"So basically, you're really, really horny?" Sam asked. Cas nodded into the pillow.

"Can't you go out and pick some chick up?" Sam asked. Cas shook his head.

"It can only be with their mate, why do you think I'm still a virgin?" Cas mumbled into the pillow. Sam raised his eye brows. 

"Who is your truemate then?" Sam asked. Cas whispered something but Sam couldn't here.

"I can't hear you" Sam said.

"Dean" Cas said but it was muffled by the pillow. Sam chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? This is very serious Sam" Cas said, sitting back up. He glared at Sam.

"Why don't you tell him?" Sam asked. Cas put his hand in his hands again. This was like a therepy lesson.

"Because he doesn't feel the same and I love him and I don't wanna lose him" he answred, confessing his love for the elder Winchester. Sam rolled his eyes.

"Cas, trust me. He feels the same. No tell him or I will" he said. Cas glared at him.

"You wouldn't dare" he snapped, his eyes glowing for a second. Sam new Cas wouldn't do anything so he went one step further.

"DEAN?" he shouted. Cas glared at him again before falling back on his bed, covering his face with his hands. A few minutes later, Dean came into the room.

"Yeah, Sammy?" he asked. Sam smiled before walking over to Dean.

"Cas has something to tell you" he said, patting his brother on the back and walking out the room.

"FUCK YOU, SAM" Cas shouted after him. Sam chuckled again.

"I KNOW YOU CAN'T" he shouted back. Dean stood there, confused. 

"Uh, care to explain?" he asked. Cas sighed loudly.

"I'm going to say what I told Sam." he started. Dean nodded. "Angels go threw a time in there life where they're really 'horny' as Sam put it. I hoped it wouldn't be for a couple more years but it has decided to come today. I also can't get rid of it until I've done what I need to do but the angel that's going threw it tends to be very dominent. I also can only do it with my truemate" he explained once again. Dean raised his eye brows.

"And you needed to tell me this beacuse...?" he asked. Cas took his hands off his face and looked at Dean.

"Wait, I'm...?" Dean asked. Cas nodded.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I-" Cas was cut of by Dean on top of him, kissing him with force that took the angel off gard. But he wanted it so he kissed back. He moaned but it sounded more like a growl making Dean whimper. The angel flipped over so Dean was underneath him. 

"You don't know how long I've wanted this" Dean said once they had broken apart. Cas had started to nip at Deans jaw and throat. The hunter grinded up into Cas. Cas pulled away from Dean and pushed Dean down by his hips.

"Don't make me tie you up. I'm calling the shots here" Cas said. Dean shivered at the angels dominant voice. He let out a whine. He knew there was no point in trying to disobey the angel but he grinded again. Cas raised his eye brows.

"You want to have kinky sex?" he asked. Dean whimpered and nodded.

"Well, Dean," Cas got of the hunter. He clicked his fingers and opened his cubord. "You want to wear panties?" he asked. Dean slowly sat up and nodded. Cas walked over to the door and locked it. He then passed Dean a blue pair of panties with knee high fishnet stockings that where also blue and a cock ring. Dean gulped. What had he gotten himself into.

"I'll turn around while you put that on. If you want me to stop, say 'Red light' and I'll stop emediatly" Cas told him then turned around. Dean removed all his clothing and slipped the cock ring on. He then put the clothing on. He loved the way the silk felt of his hard dick.

"You can turn around" Dean whispered. Cas turned around and smiked. He should get Dean to wear costumes more often. He went to the cubord and pulled out a pair of handcuffs covered in pink fluf. Dean gulped again. Cas walked over to Dean.

"Get on the bed" he commanded. Dean nodded and went hands and knees on the bed. Cas cuffed Dean hands then tied them to the headboard with rope. He smirked. Deans going to have a good time. (I can't be bothered to write smut) Dean screamed Cas's name as he came. Cas had came not long before, deep inside his hunter. Cas layed down, still inside Dean. He spooned the hunter and kissed the back of his neck. Dean hummed in appreciation and pushed back into the angel, causing both of them to moan.

"You do that again and we'll have to go for round 2" Cas warned. Dean nodded and didn't move. Cas carefully reached down and brought the blankets up, making sure not to move too much. The two soon fell asleep. Dean woke up to the most amazing smell. It was like honey. He opened his eyes and realised that his head was rested on Cas's chest. He sat back a bit to admire the view. His angels sex hair even more messy. His toaned chest rising and falling. Dean had defiantly fallen in love with the being. A chuckle awoke him from his day dream. Cas opened his eyes.

"Like what you see, Princess?" he asked. That's what he had called Dean while doing dirty talk the night before. Dean smiled.

"Love it" he answered and layed his head back down on Cas. Cas wrapped his arms around Dean and pressed a kiss to his head. The didn't get up until a few hours later because Dean was hungry. But they went straight back to bed after.  

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