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Cas and Dean had slept together. Cas was past drunk when it happen and was very confused in the morning. He was the motel room that he and the brothers where shearing. 3 beds of corse. He opened his eyes and sat up. He quickly realised he was naked after rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Dean was watching TV from his bed while Sam was sat at the table doing reaserch.

"Morning sleeping beauty. Did you get enough beauty sleep?" Dean said earning a glare from Cas.

"I appear to be naked, I don't have any  memories of last night. My rear end hurts" Cas said. Sam chuckled.

"I think Cas lost his virginity" he said. Cas tilted his head to the side while Dean threw him a pair of boxers. Cas put them and and then the rest of his clothing. He stood up and limped slightly over to the table. He sat down and wiced.

"Why dose it hurt" he asked.

"One of the side affects of a great night. Can't you just heal it with you angel mojo" Sam said. Cas shook his head.

"I seem to be having trouble using my powers" he said. Sam nodded and went back to reaserching for the case they where on. Dean sat on his bed. The images of Cas coming over and over again fogging his mind. He knew he should tell the angel that it was him who he slept with but what would his father say. 'You're a fag who is a poor excuse for a Winchester'. That's what he would say. And even though John was long dead, Dean still felt scared of what he would do if he was still there. Dean decided not to tell him. At least not yet.

They didn't bring Cas's night up again. Not until 5 weeks later when Cas got hurt on a hunt. His powers weren't working and he had to get Dean to stitch up the large cut along his side.

"Cas, are you putting one weight?" Dean asked, looking at Cas's stomach from the side. It was rounder that usual. Cas glared at him and then winced because Dean put some whisky on his wound.

"I'm an angel, I don't 'Put on weight'" Cas replied. Dean chuckled and shook his head. He finished stitching up the wound just as Cas shot up and ran to the bathroom. He threw up into the toilet. Dean came in after him and rubbed his back.

"You ok?" he asked once Cas had finished. He helped the angel out the bathroom and and into bed.

"I don't know" Cas answered truthfully. Dean tucked him in.

"Just take it easy" Dean said. Cas nodded and soon fell asleep.

A week later, they where back at the bunker. Cas had been throwing up every morning and the brothers where starting to worry. Cas was sat in the library when Gabriel turned up.

"Cas, we need to talk" he said. Cas pulled his signature confused expression. Sam and Dean had gone out on a small ghost hunt.

"What do you want to talk about?" Cas asked. Gabriel sat down next to him.

"About the 8 pieces of life growing inside you" Gabriel said. Cas looked at him in shock.

"What?" he asked.

"You heard me, your pregnant with a whole litter of Little angels." Gabe said. Cas looked down to his belly. He could tell by the tone of Gabes voice and knowing him for millions of years that he wasn't joking.

"How?" Cas asked.

"Well, Cassie, you see, when a guy sicks his rod up your as-"

"Gabriel, how am I pregnant? Why am I pregnant? I can't be pregnant?" Cas started to panic.

"Hey, Cas, your fine. You can do it. It's too late to go back now. You're too far along to get rid of them. I would of come sooner and told you then but we didn't have the headache until a few days ago. Then we had to find out who it was. You." Gabriel soothed. Cas nodded.

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