Beach Day

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Cas, Dean and Sam had decided to go the the beach. They set up some beach chairs and an umbrella. That day was one of the very rare days that Dean wore shorts and Cas had got to say, Dean had nice legs and ass. He obviously didn't say that out loud. Dean wouldn't love him back.

"Who's going to the sea with me then?" Dean asked. Sam nodded.

"I... I can't swim" Cas said, looking down.

"You billions of years old but you don't know how to swim?" Dean asked. Cas shrugged.

"I didn't come down from heaven much. I only came down to do missions and then I dragged your ass outta hell and then I rebbeled" he said.

"Did he just swear?" Sam asked.

"I think he did. We are a bad influence on him" Dean said. Cas smiled slightly.

"We could teach you how to swim?" Sam offered. Cas shook his head.

"I don't like water. My wings get soaked and then take hours to dry. I'll stay here, on dry land." he said.

"Suit yourself" Dean said. He pulled of his shirt and threw in on one chair. Sam kept his on.

"On second thought" Cas said, tearing his eyes away from Dean.

"Being able to swim might come in useful" he added. Dean nodded. Cas pulled his own shirt off and threw it on a different chair. He caught the faint blush on Dean's cheeks. The three made their way to the water.

"Is it cold?" Cas asked the brothers. He was only in the water so it was up to his ankles while the brothers where up to their hips.

"A little bit" Sam answered. Cas walked in further. He gasped when the water reached his crotch. Sam and Dean chuckled earing a glare from him. He splashed water at them and quickly turned around. Also regreting it straight away. Sam and Dean splash water at him but it was blocked by his wings. He gave a yelp and arched his back. The Winchester laughed as he turned back around.

"It's not funny, now my wings are wet and cold" Cas said. Dean went over to him.

"I'll dry them off for you when we get back to the bunker" he said. Cas gave a small smile and nodded. He then pushed Dean over. Dean popped out the water with a gasp. Cas chuckled but then Dean pulled him under. Cas popped back up. He let out a whine and looked back at his, invisible to human, wings. The feathers where drenched.

"I'm gonna go back up, start to dry them off" he said, still with a smile. Dean and Sam nodded. Cas went back to the beach set up and sat down. He was still soaking. He watched Sam and Dean splash each other and pull each other under. He smiled. Then Dean started to walk towards him. Water falling down his chest and face. His hair sticking to his fotehead. Cas felt like he was melting on the spot. He suddenly felt very hot. He didn't realise he was stearing intill Dean was in front of him. The hunter winked making him blush and look away. Dean chuckled and sat down.

"Ice cream now or Mcdonalds in a bit?" Sam asked. They all chose Mcdonalds. They packed up their stuff and piled onto baby. Cas was fidgeting a lot.

"Cas, what's wrong?" Dean asked.

"My wings are wet and they are annoying and it's like an itch that won't go away" Cas said.

"Sam can go back out and get food, we'll go home and sort your wings out" Dean said. Cas gave him a gratfull smile threw the mirror. When the got to the bunker, Cas and Dean went in while Sam drove off. When the got into the map room, Cas removed his shirt.

"I'll make it so only you can see them but I can't take it back after." he said. Dean nodded and Cas tapped his head. When he opened his eyes, beautiful black wings where coming from in-between Cas's shoulder blades. The where dripping wet and looked annoying.

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