The Moment He Realised

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Dean was sat on his bed. He was currently thinking about a certain ex-angel. He was trying to work his feelings out. Sam always joked about Cas and Dean loving each other and Dean was starting to wonder if he did love Castiel. He had over brother-ly feelings for him but he couldn't work out what exactly. It didn't bother him the fact that there was a whole ship name for the two. Mabye he did love Cas. Dean didn't really know what love was. He had only ever loved Cassie. But that wasn't really love. Then there was Lisa. They kinda loved each other but Lisa kept cheeting on Dean. But then Castiel did something that made Dean fall in love with him. It was that smirk he did when Dean stabbed him with a demond blade.

"Shit, I'm in love with him" Dean said out loud. Now he had to work out how to tell him. Taking him out on a date is too cheesy. Telling him straight up takes too much courage. Dean knew what to do. He quickly changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. Cas would be in bed by now. Dean left his room and walked to Cas's. He stood outside the room for half a minute to debate on weather on not to do this. But he did. He slowly opened the door and walked in. He closed it behind him.

"Dean?" Cas asked. He was just in sweatpants. Dean ignored him. He walked over to the bed and climbed underneath the covers. If Cas wasn't confused before, he definitely was now. The two faced each other, noses almost touching. Dean snuggled into Cas's chest after a few minutes of silence. Cas slowly wrapped his arms around Dean. Dean sighed. He already loved this and he hadn't even confessed yet. Cas buried his face into Dean's hair. He enjoyed this too. He has wanted this for so long. The two soon drifted of into the most amazing nights sleep they have ever had. They woke around about the same time in the morning. That time being 11 am. Sam didn't really care what time people got up. Dean was probably having a shower or doing... other things. And Cas stays in anyway. Dean's head was on Cas's chest when they woke. Dean opened his eyes and remembered last night. He snuggled closer. Cas started to play with Dean's hair. Dean hummed in approval.

"Do you want to tell me what all this is about?" Cas whispered. Dean started to trace patterns on the skin infront of him.

"I love you" Dean said. Cas chuckled.

"If you love me you should take your shirt off" he said. Dean gasped and sat up.

"There's easyer ways to get me out my clothes, ya know" he said but took his shirt of anyway. He layed his head back down. Cas smiled.

"I love you, too" he said as he started to play with Dean's hair again.

"Good, else this would of been embarrassing" Dean said with a chuckled. Cas smiled. Dean sat up again and looked between Cas's eyes and lips.

"Dean, I want to kiss you" Cas whispered. Dean smiled before slowly leaning in. Cas met him half way. And their lips met. It was slow and sweet. Both loving it. It lasted a couple minutes before Dean slowly broke away.

"How was that?" he asked. Cas eyes where wide.

"I liked that very much. I wish to do it again" Cas answered. Dean smiled as he went in for another kiss. This one was faster. Cas pushed his toung into Dean mouth and quickly won dominance. He moved Dean to on top of him, deepening the kiss even more. Dean slowly pulled away.

"We should get up" he told Cas who nodded. They got up and both of them put t-shirts on. They made their way to the kitchen. Sam was sat at the table eating fruit.

"Cas, do you want fruit or do you want delicious bacon" Dean asked. Cas chuckled.

"I think I'll have bacon" he said.

"Perfect, time to teach you how to cook bacon" Dean said, clapping his hands together. Cas nodded with a shy look on his face.

"First, you make sure the pan is hot." Dean started. He turned on the hob and put a pan on it.

"Can you grab me the bacon out the fridge, please, babe" he asked. Cas blushed at the nickname and it also got Sam's attention. Cas nodded and went to the fridge. He got Dean what he asked for. Dean opened the packet. He placed it in the pan.

"Now, you have to move it around the pan a bit so it doesn't stick. Then you flip it over" Dean said.

"Yeah, well you do that, I'll do this" Cas said. He moved to put his arms around Dean's waist from the back. He kissed Dean's neck making him shiver.

"That's distracting" Dean said. Cas bit down slightly for his answer. One Dean finished cooking the bacon, he put it all on one plate and turned around in Cas's arms. He placed his lips to Cas's in another slow kiss. Dean had found love.

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