Destiel Mpreg

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Cas woke up. He sat up. Rubbed his eyes. Looked around. Then his eyes settled on the figure next to him. He had slept with none other than the hunter, Dean Winchester. Fuck. Dean stirred from next to him and opened his eyes.

"I'm sor-" Castiel started but Dean cut him of

"Get out." he said, stearnly, as he covered his face with his hands. Cas nodded slowly and got dressed. He quickly left Deans room in the bunker and headed straight for his room. He cryed for hours while sat in the corner of his room.

The two didn't speak for 4 weeks. They bearly even looked at each other. It was a big difference from the stares that they would constantly have.

It wasn't until a hunt that they finnaly talked

"You find anything, Cas?" Dean asked. They where on a hunt that involved a demi-god and they needed a way to kill it.

"Not yet" he said with a shake of the head. Dean nodded and looked back to the books layed out infront of him. That's when he felt it. A surge of pain flow threw him. He groaned in pain and fell to the floor.

"Cas?!" Sam asked/shouted as he ran over to the angel. Dean stood up. After a few minutes of pain, it finally faided.

"I'm fine" Cas said as he pushed Sam's hand away.

"What was that?" Sam asked. Cas new exactly what it was but he didn't want to say. Dean would probably try and kill him. He didn't want that.

"fuck" he muttered "It's nothing, Sam"

"Yeah, totaly" he said back

"I'm fine, it's not going to kill me," Cas snapped, standing up. Sam nodded not wanting to push the angel further.

About a month passed before Cas felt it coming again. It was 10 or 11 at night. Sam and Dean had gone to someone's house to ask about their wife. Cas wasn't really listening. Now he was rushing to the motel room, trying to get there before he screamed out in pain. He walked straight in and was shocked by the sight. Dean was completely naked on the bed with 2 other women around him. They where aslo naked. Cas threw his hands up in annoyence and walked into the bathroom, shuting and locking the door. He turned on the tap to drown out his screams as well as the inappropriate noises.

Angel pregnency was different to human. There was stages. 1= the baby's grace would start to grow and then once it was finished there would be a couple minutes of pain. 2= the baby would start to grow but wouldn't show until the second surge of pain. That's what Cas was going threw now. 3= there would be more pain and the baby would be born. The second wave of pain, they would most likely pass out then wake up with a big bump where their stomach would be.

Cas screamed out in pain and then blacked out. He woke up ten minutes later. The fist thing he noticed was his round belly. He wasn't going to be able to hide it now. He put his head in his hands.

"Fuck" he said out loud. He got up and turned the tap of. He heard Dean say 'goodbye ladies' as the door shut. There was knocking on the door.

"Cas, I know you're in there" Dean said

"What do you want, Dean?" Cas asked, his voice craking a bit. He sat down in one of the corners and shone his had on his belly. His breath hitched. There where 3 bright souls outlining the body's and small wings. He smiled, he was having triplets. The only problem was that it had popped the bottem 3 buttons on his shirt.

"I'm sorry you walked in on that but it's finished now" Dean said.

"I'll be out in a minute" Cas replied, trying to sound normal. He saw Dean walk away from the door and sit in the bed because of his soul. He didn't come out the bathroom.

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