What The Fuck

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With one lat swing of the machety, all the vamps were dead. They found a case about 6 hours away from the bunker. They being Cas, Dean and Sam.

They decided to stay another day just in case that they hadn't killed all the vamps. Dean, wanting to stay in a room with Cas, managed to preswade Sam to get two rooms.

Sam still didn't know about Cas and Dean and the two wanted to keep it that way. Dean had came up with the excuse that Cas would go back to the bunker.

"Hey, babe?" Dean said as he walked into their room

"Yes, Dean?" Cas asked as he came into the room and closed the door.

"You know I love you right?"

"Yes, you say it at least 7 times a day. I love you too" Cas chuckled as he took his trench coat of and hung it on the back of an old chair.

Dean took of his flannel and chucked it on the floor. Cas smiled. He removed his suit jacket and laid it over his coat before going over to Dean and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"When are we going to tell Sam?" Cas asked, resting his chin on Dean's shoulder. Dean sighed and leaned his head ontop of Cas's.

"Soon" he promised "I just don't know how he will react"

"I understand" Cas said. He slipped his hands down to Dean's waist line of his trousers. He undone the belt buckle and zipper and slipped his hand inside.

"You've had a stressful day today" Cas smirked and started kissing Dean on the neck, palming him threw his boxers making Dean moan slightly.

They did the dirty for a while after that and fell asleep tangled in blankets together.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!" Sam shouted as he opened the door to Dean's motel room. It was 7 in the morning and they had to get on the road if they wanted to get home before lunch.

"What the fuck, Sammy." Dean looked to the clock beside him "It's 7 in the morning."

"What's happening" a gruff voice from next to Dean said

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. You had sex with the angel?" Sam said looking at the two. "I have to tell Charlie" ant then he ran out the room.

"At least we don't have to tell him now" Cas said now fully awake. Dean rolled his eyes and pecked Cas on the lips before getting up and dressed. As did Cas.

They met Sam by the car half an hour later.

"Yeah I know, Charlie. Destiel is a go. I gotta go, they're coming" Sam said as he hung up the phone.

"Charlie?" Dean asked

"Yep, and mum, Bobby, Crowley, and everyone else." Sam said smugly. "I'm going to be rich" Dean rolled his eyes and Cas smirked and shoved his hands in his pockets.

Sam was about to get in shotgun when he was stopped by Dean.

"Get in the back Sammy, Cas never sits in the front. It's his turn"

"So you screw the angel once and now he's the favourite?" Sam asked. Dean smirked at Cas then got in the car.

"Wait, you've fucked more than once?" Sam asked as he got in the back. Cas got into baby next to Dean. "How many times?" Sam kept on. Cas smiled again.

"Lost count" Dean said as he placed  a hand on the steering wheel and pulled out the motel car park.

Once on the road, Dean put his hand on Cas thigh and squeezed slightly. Cas put his hand on top of Dean's.

"Awwwwwww" Sam said from the back, leaning farward. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Sammy" he said. Cas leaned over and kissed Dean on the cheek. Making him go red.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" Sam said again.

"Shut up Sam or I'm setting you up on blind dates" Dean smirked smugly. Sam rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat.

Cas leaned over again and placed a kiss on Dean's lips. About an hour later, they pulled into a garage for some gas. As soon as they did, Dean jumped onto Castiel's lap, kissing passionately.

Sam rolled his eyes and got out the car.

He came back 20 mins later and Cas and Dean where still making out. Sam knocked on the window making the two separate and look at him with evil eyes.

"Do you want me to drive so you two can carry on, in the back" he asked. Cas and Dean agreed and got out the car and went to the back.

Sam got in the diver seat and drove all the way back to the bunker, leaving Cas and Dean to do there business and walking to the library to read.

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