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Dean woke up in the middle of the night to a empty side of the bed. The brothers and Angel had been staying in a crappy motel. Dean and Cas had been going out for 2 years now. Dean sat up and rubbed the sleep out his eyes. He got up and checked in the bathroom. Cas wasn't there. He slipped on sweatpants and a jacket and walked out into the pouring rain. He found Cas in sweatpants, sat on the bonnet of baby, his face facing the sky. He had he wings stretched out beside him. Dean walked over and put a hand up to touch the top of a feather. Cas smiled.

"Hello Dean" he said, moving his wing so it was over Dean's head, protecting the hunter from the rain. Dean jumped up on the bonnet next to him, kissing him on the cheek.

"You wanna tell me why you're out here?" he asked, scooting close to Cas. Cas put an arm around his waist and pulled him onto his lap. Dean snuggled into Cas's neck, the cold night air making him shiver. Cas put one wing over the top of them and wrapped the other around Dean.

"I don't sleep but I stay to listen to your heart. There was rain outside and my wings where itchy. You where asleep so I went out in the rain." Cas explained. Dean nodded into Cas's neck. They carried on hugging for at least half an hour before Dean pulled away.

"Come back to bed" he told his angel. Cas nodded. The two got up. Once back inside the room, Cas shook his wings dry. They ended up going fluffy. Dean chuckled quietly. He stripped back down to his boxers. Cas hid his wing and the two climbed into bed. Dean snuggled into Cas's chest, feeling sleep take him over once again. In the morning, they where awoken by a knock on the door. Sam got up. He was waring a shirt and sweatpants. He opened the door and there stood a police officer. It was still raining.

"Hello, I'm here to report on a monster sighting?" he asked, not actually shore on what his was looking up on. Dean got up and walked over to the door.

"He is not a monster, he's my angel" he sneered and walked back over to Cas. He sat on the side of the bed, pulling on a shirt and jeans.

"He's a what?" the officer asked.

"You know what, screw it. We will tell you. You look like you can take it. Please, come in,.... " Sam said, opening the door so he could.

"Greg" he said, for his name. Sam nodded. Greg came in and Sam closed the door. Cas was now up and in his trousers. He sat back on the bed and Dean went behinde him.

"What you're about to see can't leave this room" Sam said. Greg nodded.

"Take a seat" Sam added. Greg nodded again and sat down at the table. Cas rolled his shoulders and his wings came out. They where messy and still a bit fluffy. Dean ran his fingers threw the feathers. They had changed from last night. Dean paused to look at them. They where green at the base. The tips of the wings where red, then blue, then purple, then pink, then orange.

"What are the different colours for?" Dean asked.as he carried on sorting the feathers out.

"Green is for your mark, red is for anger, orange is for pregnant, blue is for sadness, purple for gelousy, pink is for love, yellow is-" Cas was cut of.

"Wait, pregnant?" Dean asked, stopping his hands. Cas leaned back into Dean so his head was in the hunters lap.

"Dean, I'm pregnant" he said. Dean grinned and leaned down to give cas an upside down kiss.

"So in the world there are supernatural creatures. Some aren't supposed to be their. Even some angels aren't supposed to be there. Cas," Sam said and pointed to Cas.

"Is a good angel. He pulled Dean out of hell when he died. They have now been going out for 2 years." Sam explained. Dean pulled away from Cas, still grinning. Cas made his wings disappear. He moved so he was sat on Dean's lap. He pushed the hunter onto his back and buried his face in his neck. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas. They both had smiles on their faces.

"As you can see, they are overly in love" Sam added. Greg chuckled and nodded.

"So, there are things like vampires and stuff are real?" he asked. Sam nodded. The hunters, Angel, unborn kid, and police officer finished the case there. Sam explained everything else to Greg and the bothers and Angel went home. 8 months later, Cas gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. They named him Bobby.

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