Horror Movie

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"Let's watch a horror movie" Sam said to Cas and Dean.

"Our life is already a horror movie" Dean said with a chuckle. Cas smiled hearing Dean's laugh.

"Yeah, I'll get popcorn" Dean added. He got popcorn and the three went to the Dean cave. Cas and Dean sat on one sofa and Sam was on the other. The decided to watch IT chapter 2. Well Dean did. He made Sam sit threw it. About a quarter way threw the movie, Cas jumped, almost into Dean's lap. They ended up shoulder to shoulder. Luckily, Sam had the popcorn. Dean chuckled at Cas. The angel glared at him. Dean shrugged with a smile. Cas looked back to the TV. But something else scared him and he jumped again. Dean chuckled again. Cas moved into his lap. Dean blushed but let him stay. Cas was sat sideways. Something else scared him and turned his head into Dean's chest with a yelp. Dean chuckled again and rubbed Cas's back. Cas hit him lightly. Sam looked over and smiled.

"You love him" he mouthed to Dean who rolled his eyes but then slowly nodded. Sam smiled knowingly at him. Dean kissed the angels head. Realising what he just did, he blushed. But Cas didn't seem to mind. He sat up a bit.

"Is it ok for you to take your shirt off?" he asked, blushing slightly. Dean raised his eye brows and nodded. He took his shirt of over his head. Cas smiled and traced the ink of Dean's tattoo, laying his head on the other side of Dean's chest. Dean was blushing madly and Sam was having a silent laughing attack. Sam made a heart with his hands. Cas looked to the TV just as Pennywise turned into a spider.

"Mother fucker" he shouted and turned his head into Dean chest. But what he did next caught the hunter of guard. Dean was laughing his head of so Cas kissed his chest. Dean felt tingly where Cas's lips just where. Now it was Cas's turn to laugh. Dean's heart was going twice as fast. Sam threw his head back and silently laughed.

"Dean, are you ok?" Cas asked, a smile playing at his lips. That little shit, he knows exactly what he is doing. But he's so cute. Dean thought. Dean looked down to him. Cas smirked up to him and gently bit down on a nipple. Dean moaned quietly. Sam took this opportunity to get out the room, away from the clowns and gayness of his brother and best friend. Cas sat up and straddled Dean. 

"Kiss me" he muttered. So Dean did. It was slow at first. But Cas grinded his hips and Dean pulled his angels t-shirt over his head. He ran his hands over the hard muscles on Cas's chest, sides and stomach. Cas broke away.

"Room, now" he panted. Dean nodded. The two got up and ran to Dean's room. And, fuck, did they have a good time  

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