Sam Knows

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"Hey-a baby" Dean said as he walked into the bunkers kitchen and kissed Castiel on the head.

"Hello Dean" the angel said back.

"Sam's gone on a hunt so we don't have to hide for a week or two." Dean said, sitting down in front of Cas. He reached faward to take Deans hand.

"What do you want to do?" Cas asked with a smile.

"Watch movies, snuggle, make out, have sex, go on cheesy dates. What about you?"

"What ever you want to do" Cas leaned over and locked lips with Dean. "Let's make out first" he said putting a hand on Deans neck. They broke apart and decided to go to the Dean cave.

Cas sat down first with Dean straddling him. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas's neck. He leaned in closer, lips almost touching. He leaned in the rest on the way but Cas turned his head, getting a kiss on the cheek.

"You dick" Dean chuckled. Cas turned his head round to Dean.

"I saw the opportunity so I took it" Cas smiled then leaned farward to catch Deans lips in his, actually meeting this time. They both smiled into it. Even though they had done many times before, they still felt like fireworks where going of in their stomachs. Cas slightly bit Deans bottem lip, making him moan slightly. Dean opened his mouth slightly so Cas could slip his toung it, which he gladly did.

Cas was top. He always was. He loved seeing Dean become a moaning mess underneath him. Dean did try and be top, but that always resulted with him being tied to the bed. Cas gripped tighter onto Deans waist. He flipped them over so Dean was lead down on the sofa with Cas on top.

"I thought we where just making out" Dean said in between kisses

"Too horny not to" Cas smiled.

"Tough" Dean said pushing Cas off onto the floor. Cas looked up to Dean with an annoyed expression. Dean smirked at the annoyed angel.

"Mabye later but not now" Dean added. Cas frown turned into a smile. He pulled Dean on top of him on the floor.

"This is the only time you will be on top" Cas said with a smirk.

"Like I'm even allowed to kiss you while like this" Dean chuckled back. Cas rolled over so he was on top again.

"Nope" he said as he lowered himself so kiss Dean again.

This was what it was like for a day or two. Constantly making out and snuggling. They went out for dinner the first night and ended up being kicked out the diner for being too loud while laughing. On the third day, they where watching a movie in the Dean cave.

"I'm bored" Dean complained to the angel.

"Watch the movie then" Cas said back. Dean rolled his eyes. He climbed onto Cas, straddling him.

"But I'm bored" Dean said with a smirk. Cas placed his hands on Deans hips and squeezed slightly.

"If we make out, will you still be bored?" Cas asked Dean nodded and leaned into Cas's ear.

"We could do other things" He whispered placing a small kiss on Cas's neck before pulling back. Cas smirked before flipping around so Dean was the one on the sofa. Cas nipped at Deans neck, getting whimpers for more.

"Please Cas, more" Dean wined

"Do you what to become a mess underneath me? Do you?" Cas whispered "Do you want me to make you feel really nice? Huh?" Dean moaned slightly "Imma make you feel real good"

"Please, just fuck me already" Dean pushed his hips up to get any sort of friction. Cas pulled away and took Deans chin in a ferm grip.

"So impatient" Castiel sighed "The only words I want to hear from your mouth is yes sir and my name" Cas said.

"Yes sir" Dean replied, overpowered by the celestial being. Cas attached his lips to Deans, palming him softly.

After a while, feeling Dean very hard, Cas kneeled infront of Dean. He undid the belt buckle and zipper. He pulled down Deans trousers with his boxers. Cas took Dean in his hand and started pumping him. He flicked his hair back before taking him in his mouth. Dean threw his head back and moaned. Cas bobbed his head up and down. Dean threaded his hand threw Cas's hair, griping it. Cas had one hand on Deans hip and the other was around what he couldn't fit in his mouth.

"Hey Dean, it was a normal- OH MY FUCKING GOD" came a voice from behind Cas. Dean looked up to see a terrified moose in the door way. Cas took Deans dick out is mouth but didn't get up so Sam wouldn't see the sight.

"Hey Sammy, please don't be mad." Dean sighed/chuckled

"I'm not just keep it down" Sam said as he walked back the way he came.

"I think Sam knows, Dean" Cas said innocently.

"Yes he dose" Dean laughed

"Now where were we" Cas smirked as he took Dean in his mouth again. Let's just say that they weren't quiet and Sam left the bunker again.

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