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Sam and Dean where sat in the library when someone knocked on the bunker door. Sam got up and walked to the top of the steps, getting his gun at the ready. When he opened the door, the person pushed past him and walked down the steps.

"Uh, who are you?" Dean asked. In front of him was a beautiful woman. They had elbow length black hair that Sam would probably kill for. They aslo had exotic blue eyes. She was wearing a black skirt that only just covered her. And a flannel crop top, tied in the middle. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, me? I'm just you BOYFRIEND" she shouted the last part, her eyes glowing slightly. She was obviously not happy.

"Cas?" Dean asked. She nodded. Dean stood up and took one of her hands.

"What happened to you?" Dean asked

"Gabriel happened. He thought it would be funny to turn me into a girl and dress me like a fucking slut." she said, resting her head on Dean's chest. Dean rubbed her back. He pulled his shirt of and put it over her head. It went down to about her knees. Cas groaned. She was tiny. One one the shoulders slipped of hers. Sam was still confused. He had walked back down the steps and was now standing next to Dean.

"We will sort this out, but why did he do it?" Dean asked.

"I wouldn't set him up on a date with Sam." Cas answered. Dean nodded at kissed the top of her head. Cas smiled slightly.

"What do we need to do?" Sam asked.

"Set you up on a date with Gabriel" Cas answered. Dean chuckled and Sam blushed.

"Sammy's gonna get himself an angel" Dean said. Sam gave him an award winning bitch face and sat at the table.

"I also want to have sex" Cas whispered to Dean. Dean smirked.

"That can be arranged" he said. He kissed the angels neck. Cas shivered. Sam rolled his eyes. Dean slipped a hand down to Cas's panties and ran a finger over the top.

"So wet already" he whispered, kissing behind Cas's ear. Cas shivered again.

"I'm right here" Sam said. Dean pulled away from Cas to bitch face Sam. He pulled Cas down the halls to their room. Dean layed down on the bed and gently pulled Cas on top.

"This is the only time you will fuck me because I don't have a dick to fuck you with" Cas said. Dean chuckled and leaned up to kiss her. Cas pulled away.

"And please don't get me pregnant, I don't think ever of us are ready for that" he added. Dean nodded and grabbed a condom from the bedside table. He ripped it open with his teeth. Cas smirked at him and took it from his hunter. She pulled Dean out his trousers and slipped it on. She slipped down his legs and took Dean in her mouth. Dean groaned and Cas smiled around him. She got of and pulled Dean's shirt over her head. Dean smiled at her, enjoying the show. She pulled of her clothing and gently ran a finger over her pussy. She gasped and looked at Dean threw her eye lashed. Dean grabbed her him and pushed her onto the bed. He went in-between her legs and licked over the wetness. Cas moaned and pushed Dean's head further into her. For a while, Dean sucked, kissed, nipped and licked Cas's pussy. Moaned where exaping Cas's lips and Dean loved it. Dean got up pressed a quick kiss to her lips. He went back down and pushed a finger into Cas, licking over him again. Cas tenced up but soon lossened around it with a moan. Dean thrusted it in and out slowly, loving the feel of Cas's wet walls around him. Dean added a second. And then a third. Cas was moaning loudly, begging for Dean's cock. Dean gave in and pulled his fingers out. He lined himself up and slowly pushed him. Cas pushed down onto him, drawing a loud moan from both.

"You're so tight" Dean moaned. Cas didn't reply. Dean started thrusting in and out. Quickening his pace after a while. It didn't take long. They both reached their orgasms with loud moans. The hunter pulled out and flopped down on the bed next to Cas. They where both breathing heavily and where naked as the day they where born. Dean stood up and pulled the child catcher of. He tied it and threw it in the bin. He pulled Cas up and placed a soft kiss to her lips. He moved her to the side and he pulled the dirty sheets of the bed. He threw them into the washing basket and grabbed a towel. He walked over to Cas and gently patted down her body with it.

"We'll have a shower tomorrow" Dean told her. She yawned and nodded. Dean quickly got fresh sheets and put them on the bed. He pulled Cas onto it with him. He pulled the angel into his arms and pulled the covers over them. Cas sighed into Dean's chest, a smile on his lips. Dean kissed his head.

A few weeks later, Sam and Gabe had gone out on a date. It went well and Gabe turned Cas back into a guy. Cas and gave where curently in Destiel's room. Cas was sat at the top of the bed and Gabe at the end. Gabe had a stick in a plastic bag.

"How much longer?" Cas asked. Gabe glared up to him. That was the 7th time he had asked in the bast minute. Gabe looked back to the stick.

"As long as it takes" he said. Cas nodded and stood up. He shook his hands and paced back and forth in the room.

"Uh, Cas..." Gabe started. Cas looked at him.

"What dose it say?" he asked. Gabe smiled at Cas and passed it over. Cas swallowed and felt the tears come to his eyes.

"No, I can't be. This is you're fult Gabe, why?" Cas said as he started crying. Gabe got up and tryed to hug Cas but Castiel pushed him away.

"I hate you" he said. Gabe looked down. Cas engulfed him in a hug.

"I love you" he whispered to his brother. Gabe hugged him back. After a minute or two, they broke apart. Cas wiped his eyes and grinned but his face quickly turned into worry.

"What am I gonna tell Dean?" he asked Gabe. The ark angel smiled and magiced up a top. He passed it over to Cas.

"Get some sweatpants and put this one, walk out to where Dean is" he instructed the angel. Cas nodded. He got a pair of sweatpants and went into the bathroom to change. He came back out and Gabe nodding in approvement. Cas had a plain pair of black sweatpants on. The top was white with 'Winchester Junior' in big letters on the chest with an arrow pointing down. Cas walked out into the kitchen where Sam and Dean where. Dean smiled up to him when he walked in. He read the t-shirt and stood up. Sam looked at him and then to Cas. He smiled. Dean smiled more. He let out a laugh and grabbed Cas in for a hug.

"I love you so much" he said and kissed cas on the head. He also let out a sniffle as a tear rolled down his cheek. Cas pulled away from him.

"Why are you crying?" he asked. Dean chuckled and kissed his nose.
"We're having a baby" he said. Cas smiled at him and pecked his lips before they went back into a hug. Gabe appeared next to Sam and kissed him on the cheek.

"We're gonna be the best uncles." he said. Sam chuckled and nodded. Destiel broke apart and hugged their brothers. Cas gave birth to a baby girl a few months later. Gabe had changed him into a girl when he did so it was easyer. They named her Layla. She had bright green eyes and black hair. They all lived happily ever after.

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