Hey Babe

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Sam and Cas where in the bunkers library. Sam was his laptop while Cas was sat back in the chair. Dean was somewhere. Cas wanted to be with him but Sam didn't know about the two. They had been going out for a year and he had yet to find out.

Dean walked into the room with a smile. Cas smiled two. Dean walked straight to Cas. He straddled Cas with a smile, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Hey, Babe" Dean said. Cas blushed

"Dean, Sam is here" Cas said back, looking behind Dean, blushing. Sam was looking at the two but he knew that this was going to happen sooner or later. He looked back to his laptop.

"Fuck Sam" Dean said, attaching his lips to Cas's. The kiss was full of love. Dean rocked his hips, making Cas become hard.

"I'd much rather fuck you" Cas said in between kisses, running his hands up Deans side, underneath his shirt. Sam choked on his beer

"What?" he said. Dean broke the kiss and turned his head round to Sam.

"Me and Cas are a thing" Dean said simply.

"Yeah, I got that far. For how long?" Sam questioned

"About a year" Dean replied

"A year and you didn't tell me?" Sam said

"Yep" Dean said, popping the 'p'. Sam rolled his eyes and looked back at the screen. Cas stood up, picking Dean up with him.

"Put me down" Dean wined, trying to push himself away from Cas.

"No, I have a problem down south that you need to fix" Cas said with a smirk.

"If you put me down, then I'll help you" Dean smirked back. Cas settled him down. Dean placed his lips to Cas's. He gently started palming the angel. Cas moaned slightly and bit Deans bottem lip.

"Guys, I'm right here" Sam said. Cas pushed Dean down the halls to their room without braking the kiss once. Sam was left very confused

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