If Sam Was An Asshole

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Assult warning

Cas was a new human. He struggled a bit with things like when to eat and when to sleep and when to go the the bathroom. But he was getting the hang of it with the help of his boyfriend, Dean. They had been going out before Cas had became human.

Cas was also being creeped out by the younger Winchester. Sam was constantly stearing at the ex-angel. When Cas caught him, he would look away but as soon as Cas's head turned away from him, his eyes where back on the angel. They traced all over his delicate features. If in the Dean cave, Cas would cuddle up closer to Dean. If in the map room, he would sit on Dean's lap. He didn't go anywhere without Dean. He also didn't mention it to Dean. He would just say that cas is crazy, Sam wouldn't do such a thing. Cas was never alone with Sam and he was glad about it.

But when Dean went on a food run, leaving Cas and Sam alone in the bunker, Cas was honestly frightened when Sam came into the library, where Cas was, with an evil smirk across his face. Dean came back an hour later and was shocked at the sight he walked in on. The sight being Sam pounding into his boyfriends ass while Cas was bleeding from his hole. He was screaming and trying to get away but couldn't because on the rope tieing him to the table. He had tears running down his face but he couldn't get away. The more he tryed, the more the rope hurt. All Dean saw was red when he dropped the bags and stormed over to the other two people. He ripped Sam away from Cas and punched him repeatedly. Sam sunk to the floor, brused, bloody and uncontious. Dean went to Cas and untied him. Cas shot up and wrapped his arms around Dean.

"It's ok, I've got you, nothings gonna hurt you now" Dean whispered. Cas sobbed into Dean's shoulder. The hunter was fuming at his brother. Past fuming. He couldn't describe how angry he was. Yeah, Sam was his brother but so god help him, Sam was never gonna feel so much pain in his life. Cas was now way more important than the bitch faced, poor excuse for a Winchester. Dean rubbed Cas back, soothingly. Most people when in that situation would probably not want to be touched, but Cas wanted to to hug him, take care of him. And Dean did. He picked Cas up and took him to the bathroom in their room. He made sure to lock the door. He run a bath for the ex-angel and once it was finished he lowered Cas in the tub. Cas was shaking as he let go of Dean. He wrapped his arms around his legs and rested his chin on he knees. Dean sighed and got a cup. He filled it up with water and pored it over Cas's head, being careful not to get it in his eyes.

"Sam's going to pay, that son of a bitch will be practically dead when I'm finished with him" Dean muttered. He scrubbed shampoo into Cas's hair and washed it out using the cup. He finished cleaning Cas and helped him out the tub. Cas was slowly calming down. Dean wrapped his boyfriend in a towel and Cas sat in Dean's lap. Dean pressed kisses to Cas's vinilla smelling hair.

"I-I'm sorry, D-dean" Cas croaked out. Dean frowned.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about, it was all that mother fucker" Dean told Cas.

"But he's your brother, Dean" Cas said. Dean shook his head.

"No he isn't. He stopped being my brother the moment he touched you. You are the most important thing in my life and..." Dean fetched an object from his pocket. He held it up to Cas. "I did have something romantic planned and a big speach but, Castiel, I loved you since the very moment I layed eyes on you in the barn. You could say it was love at first sight. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so, Castiel, will you marry me" Dean held in his hand a simple band but it had an ingraving on the outside saying 'you'll always be my angel'. Dean said those words when Cas first told him that he wasn't an angel. Cas was sobbing for a entirely different reason now.

"Yes" he spoke. Dean let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding.

"Yes?" Dean repeated

"Yes, Dean" Cas smiled for the first time in ages as he pressed his lips to his fiancé's. He broke away suddenly and Dean slipped the ring onto his finger.

"I want to get out of the hunting life though" Cas told Dean. Dean nodded.

"Anything for you" he said "but I do need to check if your ok down there" he said, awkwardly. Sam left the bunker and was never seen again. Dean and Cas moved out the bunker to a 3 bedroom cottage in the middle of no where. They got normal jobs. Cas was R.E. teacher and Dean was a mechanic. They adopted 2 kids. One was a girl with long black hair and bright green eyes. She was 5 when they adopted her. Her perants died in a car accident. She was called Jocie. The other one was a boy with blue eyes and brown hair. He was 3 when they adopted him. His mother and father died at sea while on a sail boat. He was called Dean, well, DJ (Dean junior). Cas and Dean got married 1 year before adopting Jocie. They lived happily ever after.

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