Sam's Not Here

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Dean was sat on his bed in a motel room. Sam was doing something for the case they where on. It was the middle of the day.

"Hello, Dean" Cas said as he appeared in the room, scaring the hell out of Dean.

"DON'T DO THAT!!" he shouted. Cas only done a cheeky smile in return. Dean chuckled and took a sip of his beer that was rested on his night stand. Cas looked around the small room.

"Sam not here?" he asked.

"No, he's out doing something for the case" Dean replied. Cas nodded.

"How long do you think he will be gone?" Cas asked. Dean looked at him.

"Um, I don't know, why?" Dean said. Cas stood up and took of his trench coat and suit jacket as well as his tie. Dean watched.

"Uh, Cas. What are you doing?" Dean asked the angel. Cas ignored Dean and instead straddled him. Dean was bright red. Yeah he wanted this but he didn't expect it to happen right now.

"Dean, I can read minds. Your's very loud and all about hunts, death and me. Today, I've finally, as you call it, 'grown balls' and have decided to do this." Cas explained. Dean was in shock. Cas had probably heard all the dirty thoughts he's had about the two.

"Kiss me" Dean whispered. Cas smiled and put a hand on Dean's chest.

"Gladly" he said and gently pressed his lips to Dean's. It was slow. Both of them wanting more but to scared to go further. They broke away and looked into each others eyes. Deep blue into fanfiction green. The dove in for another kiss. This one more needy. Teeth clashing and toungs fighting. Cas pulled Dean's shirt over his head, braking the kiss for a split second. Dean rested his hands on Cas hips while Cas undid the buttons on his shirt but didn't take it off. He grinded into the hunter making them both moan. The door swung open and Sam walked in. Cas ad Dean broke apart but didn't move. The both looked to the younger Winchester.

"Uhhhhhh, am I interrupting?" Sam asked

"You know what, Sammy? You have the worst timing ever." Dean said, a tone of annoyance in his voice. Cas rested his arms over Dean's shoulders and put one had threw the strands of hair at the back of his head. The hunter and Angel looked at Sam, inocently. Like they weren't hard as fuck and just about to screw each other. Sam rolled his eyes

"What?" he exclaimed.

"Can you go somewhere else so Cas can fuck the living day lights out of me?" Dean said. Sam rolled his eyes again.

"Can't yyou just fuck later, I know what we're hunting and I know where it is" Sam argued. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Fine, we'll stop for you and your princess hair." Dean said. Cas got off him and passed Dean his shirt. Dean sighed before putting it back on. The angel done the buttons on his shirt back up and put on his tie.

"You better get another room for later, Sam" Cas said, smirking at Dean

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