Coming Home

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"Hey, beautiful" Dean said into the phone to his boyfriend. Dean had been sent to the war. He was missing Cas dearly. They called everyday.

"Hey, Dean, I miss you" Cas said. Dean smiled.

"I miss you too, ill be home before you know it" he said. He had 1 month left then he could get to go home and see his angel.

"I've got to go but I'll call you later, I'm in the middle of a class" Cas said. He was a teacher. He loved his job.

"OK, baby, I love you" Dean said.

"I love you, too, bye" Cas said.

"Bye" Dean said and hung up. He stood up and went threw customs, and borded his plain. He was coming home today. His boss discharged him and now he was only an hour away from Cas. Cas was in his second class of the day. He had 3 more and Dean was gonna surprise him in his last. The flight was OK and Dean walked up to the school. He still had his uniform on. He walked into reseption and stood in front of the desk.

"Hi, I'm here to so Castiel Novak. He doesn't know I'm here" he said. The girl at the desk nodded.

"Room 7, down the hall to the left" she said. Dean nodded and walked down the hall. He took a deep breath and knocked of the door of room 7. He heard a faint 'come in'. He opened the door. The door was at the back of the class and Cas was facing the bourd. Dean walked up to the front and stood behind Cas.

"I'm here to see a soon to be Castiel Winchester" he said. Cas turned around as Dean kneeled down.

"Castiel James Novak, I have loved you since high school. The punk you where with the piercing and tattoos. I fell in love you on the spot. And I can't thank you enough for saving me that day. These last few months where like hell not seeing you. I don't want to ever not be with you again. So can you make the the happiest man alive and marry me?" Dean said while opened a box with a ring inside. It was simple but Cas loved it. He let out a shake breath and nodded, tears running down his cheeks.

"Yes" he said. Dean smiled and stood up, slipping the ring on his finger. Cas brought Dean in for a bone crushing hug witch Dean gladly returned. They pulled away a bit so they could kiss. It was slow and full of love. The class (and a few teachers that came in the room) cheered.

"I love you so much" Cas said when they had pulled away.

"I love you so much, too" Dean said. They where truly happy.

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