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"Ok, Cas, Sam and Charlie, we're going to the woods" Dean said, walking into the bunkers library.

"Why?" Sam asked. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Because, dip-shit." he said. Sam gave him a bitch face but agreed. The three got into baby and Dean drove to the nearest woods. The three got out. Dean went round to the boot and opened it.

"Oh, did I not tell you, we're camping" Dean said with a smile. Sam groaned. Cas and Charlie looked exited. The four got tents, a box of food, flash lights and sleeping bags from the car. They aventured into the woods. Once they hsd got to a decent camp sight, Charlie and Dean set the tents up.

"I bagsy a tent with Charlie" Sam shouted, making a bird fly from its pirch somewhere in the woods. Dean was hoping he would get to share a tent with Cas. He might of had quite a big crush on the angel. Dean nodded to Sam.

"So, sun's probably gonna go down in a couple hours, let's get some fire wood" he announced. They split of into 2 teams. Cas and Dean, Sam and Charlie.

"So, do you think Cas and Dean are gonna fuck at some point while we are here?" Charlie asked Sam. Sam nodded.

"Probably but I don't want to think about that. Grose" he said, forcing a shiver. Charlie chuckled. The two carried on picking up sticks and went back to the camp sight.

With Cas and Dean, they where curently having a sword fight with sticks. Dean tripped over a log and pulled Cas down with him. Cas was straddling Dean. Both blushing a lot.

"Uhhh" Cas said, getting up. He picked up some sticks. As did Dean. They didn't speak anything of it but they both wanted to do it again. They went back to the camp sight and put all the sticks on a pile. It was getting dark so Dean decided to start the fire. They all sat around it and Sam passed beers around.

"So, burgers ok?" Dean asked. Everyone agreed. He cooked the meat over the fire while Sam cut up the rest of the stuff. Charlie built them. They all ate in silence. Once they had finished, Dean pulled out some marshmallows. They melted them over the fire and also ate them in silence.

"Scary story time" Charlie said, clapping her hands together. They told some stories and Sam and Charlie went to bed.

Cas leaned his head on Dean's shoulder and the hunter froze. He slowly wrapped an arm around Cas and pulled him closer. They both looked into the fire. Cas lifted his head up and looked at Dean. Dean looked at him too. They both leaned in and their lips met. Fireworks went off in their stomach. Cas moved a hand to cup Dean's cheek as he pushed further into the kiss. Dean opened his mouth. Their toung fought for dominance which Cas won. Dean moaned into the now becoming heated kiss. Cas stood up and picked Dean up. Dean wrapped his legs around Cas's waist. Cas moved them to their tent. He zipped it up, braking the kiss for a split second. He moved back to Dean's plush, kissable lips. He loved them so much. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas's neck to pulled him even more closer. Their chests where touching and Cas was slowly - too slowly - grinding into Dean. Dean whimpered into the kiss, wanting more skin. He pushed Cas's annoying trench coat of his shoulders. Cas sat up and pulled it of, as well as his suit jacket. There was some shuffling in the tent across the fire from them but they ignored it. No words really needed to be be exchanged. They both knew what each other wanted without asking.

Charlie and Sam where currently talking.

"Ok, so, Stucky or Stony?" Charlie whispered to Sam. She looked out the tent to the fire and saw Cas and Dean kissing. She let out a quiet squeel and turned Sam's head to look. Sam rolled his eyes and buried his face in the pillow. Claire kept watching the two like a creep but lead back down when she saw Cas take Dean into their tent.

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