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They where on their way back to their hide out after their incident at the bar.

"I mean what I said, Cas, I'm not gonna let you die a virgin" Dean said as he pulled into a crappy motel car park. He pulled Cas out the car. He got a room with a king sized bed. He pushed Cas to sit on the bed when they got there.

"Dean" Cas's voice was shaky, making Dean grin. He straddled the angel.

"Yes, baby?" he asked.

"Uh, we'll be hunted down more if we do this." Cas said. Dean shrugged. He pushed Cas's coat of his shoulders and then his suit jacket. He pulled of his tie and then started to remove his own clothing.

"I'm a bottem so you're doing the fucking" Dean said. Cas tilted his head and gave a confused expression.

"You're going to stick you dick inside me" Dean said. Cas blushed more and nodded. He was starting to like being close to the hunter. He decided to take control. He picked Dean up and moved his coat and jacket of the bed. He put Dean down on the bed and hovered above him.

"If I'm top, I'll be making the decision?" he said. Dean grinned and nodded. He undone buttons on Cas's shirt. Cas pushed it of his shoulders.

"Kiss me, Cas" Dean said. They where now both sporting huge erections. Cas leaned down and pressed their lips together. He didn't really know what to do so he did what he saw in the films Gabriel made him watch. He must of done something right. Dean moaned into it and pulled him down closer.

"Dean, what do I do now" Cas asked, pulling up.

"Do you know how to give hickeys?" Dean asked. Cas shook his head.

"Just, kiss, suck, nip and lick at my jaw, neck and coller bones to start of with." Dean said. Cas nodded. He pressed a light kiss to Dean's jaw. But they soon became hungrier. He sucked at Dean's neck. Dean tugged at Cas's hair, they both where moaning. Cas moved the kissed down he lightly bit down on one of Dean's nipples. Dean let out a loud moan. Cas joined their lips together. He undone Dean's trousers and pulled them down with his boxers.

"Am I doing it right?" he asked the hunter. Dean nodded, pushing his hips up to get any friction. Cas started kisses from his ankle to his knee. From he knee to his thigh. He missed out Dean's cock and carried on kissing up his chest.

"Fucking tease" Dean groaned. Cas took the hunters cock in his hand. Dean's head fell back and a dirty moan excaped his mouth. Cas grinned and joined their lips together.

"You need to prep me" Dean said, braking the kiss.

"How?" Cas asked.

"Use your fingers or tongue stretch me big enough for your cock" Dean said. Cas slowly nodded. Dean brought Cas's hand to his mouth. He sucked on Cas's fingers, using his tongue expertly. He pulled them out and directed them towards his hole.

"Finger me, Cas" he said with a smirked. Cas smiled. He pushed a finger in. Dean tenced around it and grabbed Cas's rist.

"Let me get used to it. I'll say when you can move it" he said. Cas nodded. After a minute, Dean nodded and pushed onto it. Cas started moving it in and out. He added another finger. Then another. Dean was becoming a moaning mess.

"Damn it, Cas, I need your cock" he moaned out. Cas nodded. He pulled his fingers out.

"What do I do?" he asked.

"Use spit or pre-come to lube up your dick and slowly push into me." Dean explained. Cas nodded and pulled the rest of his clothing off. He lubed up his dick using his leaking liquids. He lined himself up to Dean's hole and slowly pushed in.

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