Wayward Sisters

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Dean woke up to the familiar warmth of the angel beside him. Cas turned around so he was facing Dean. Cas didn't sleep but still stayed with Dean. He liked watching Deans pure soul. He still stayed by Deans side when he fell asleep and stayed with him the whole night. Cas still feels. It hasn't changed at all since he was human, his feelings.

"Morning angel" Dean wispered.

"Morning babe" Cas wispered back before kissing Dean gently

"Dean, Jody has a case for us. Vamps she thinks but she needs help" Sam called from
behinde the door.

"Ok Sammy, I'll be there in a minute" Dean shouted back. Dean heard Sam walk off and then kissed Castiel one last time before getting up.

"I'll leave first, you left first last time" Dean told the angel. He quickly got dressed and left the room. Cas followed soon after.

"Hey Cas, you want to tag along?" Dean asked when he entered the kitchen

"Where are we going?" Cas asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Were going to Jody's" Sam said answering Cas's question. Dean was secretly begging for Cas to come along.

"Yea I'll come" Cas said

"We're leaving in half an hour, pack a bag" Dean told them both. Cas, Dean and Sam went and packed a bag and went to the garage. Cas called shotgun so he was in the front. Little did he know, Sam was the third wheel. The drive was quiet and if they did talk it was only little convocation. They arrived at Jody's late but she stayed up to wait for them. There wasn't enough space in the house for all of them so the went to a motel. Luckily for Cas and Dean, Sam wanted his own room. They went to bed straight after they got their rooms. They got up in the morning, Cas and Dean ended up making out in the shower again. They had finished in the shower just in time because Sam came waltsing in the room. They drove to Jody's house and Wass greeted by a grumpy Claire. She brought them inside to the kitchen where Jody and Alex were. They got a coffee each

"So, what have we got?" Dean asked

"I think we have a nest of vamps but it's really big, even too big for us three to handle so we thought you guys could help" Jody said

"Where is it too?" Sam asked 

"Just outside of town" Claire said

"We will go their when its dark so we have the whole day to waste" Dean said

"Well I know a way we could spend the day" Cas said giving Dean a sugestif look witch made Dean very flustered "We can watch bees" he finished with a smile. Jody gave Dean a questionable look.

"I don't think everyone wants to do that, Cas." Sam said making Cas frown. 

"Lord of the rings?" Alex questioned. "Then the hobbit?" everyone agreed then made their way to the living room. Cas and Dean sat next to each other and Sam was on the end of the sofa since it was big enough for 3. Claire and Alex sat in another smaller one while Jody sat in a separate arm chair. They watch the Lord of the rings and the hobbit then go out to get the vamps. They split up into 2 teams and go in the old abandond shed from both ends. They cut of most of the vamps before someone gets hurt. A lound moan echos threw the building and Dean was the first one their.

"Cas oh my chuck. Can't you heal you're self or somthing" Dean said panicking at the angle on the floor in front of him. "I can't lose you, not again" everyone else crowded around. Cas smiled

"I'm fine Dean" Cas said healing himself. Dean was relived. Every one else went and killed the vamps that were hiding leaving Cas and Dean alone once again. Dean helped Cas up and pulled him close enough for Cas to kiss him. It was just a quick peck on the lips.

"Don't do that again" Dean told Cas

"I'll make it up to you" Cas said with a smirk

"You better" Jody walked in

"We killed them all, thanks for the help" she said looking between the two who were still quite close. The burned the body's then went back to Jodys house for some beers.

"Can't I talk to you boys" Jody said nodding to class and Dean.

"Of corse" Dean said.

"Do you want me too?" Sam asked

"Nope just these two" Jody went to the living room and Claire and Alex were already there. Dean and Cas followed.

"You two want to tell me somthing?" she asked.  Cas and Dean looked at each other

"Nope." they both said together. Jody put her perswaysive face one.

"Jody I can't lie to you" Dean said. Claire and Alex were listening in now. They were crowded around Cas and Dean who were now blushing.

"How long?" she asked. Dean knew exactly what what she was on about.

"Five.... Five and a half months.... But Sam doesn't know. You can't tell him" Dean said. Claire and Alex knew what they were on about now.

"How did you know?" Dean asked Jody

"By the way you look at each other, the moment before we started watching movies when Cas made you blush and in the barn. Yes I saw you two kiss" she said

"Hey Dean, is Cas a good kisser" Alex asked.

"You have no idea" he replied with making Cas blush "But keep it down I don't want Sam hearing."

"Cas, is Dean good in bed" Claire asked. Dean rolled his eyes then turned to Cas to see his answer. Cas smirked

"I'm not going to answer that question" he said.
They went back out to the kitchen and drank more beer for a bit. After a while, Cas Dean and Sam went back to their motel. Cas was just about to lay down when Dean pulled him back up.

"You said you would make it up to me" Dean smiled. Cas smirked then pushed Dean onto the bed. Cas crawled on top of Dean. Cas kissed him feuriously, Dean kissed back just as hard. Dean pulled Cas's coat of and then his suit jacket. Cas tugged at the botten of Deans shirt. Dean lifted up his arms and broke the kiss foe a second so Cas could get his shirt of. Cas kissed down to Deans neck. Dean started to undo the buttons on Cas's shirt. He undone them quicker then expexted. Let's just say it got more heated from there. They fell asleep cuddled together. In the morning, they went over to Jodys to say good bye and never of them sat down. Jody smiled at them and Dean just rolled his eyes and blushed knowing Jody knew what they did. They regret everything. Having to sit down in a car was a really bad idea. Jody laughed to herself watching the two boys in pain.

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