Shirtless Teacher

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Dean was a mythology teacher at a school. Cas was a vlogger. Over 9 million people watched them.

He was doing a live video in his room when Dean came and flopped on the bed behinde him, face down. Cas chuckled and turned to him.

"You ok, babe?" he asked as he stroked circles into his back. Dean hugged the pillow and looked to Cas, only exposing half his face. He had one of Cas's baggy hoddies on with a pair Cas's sweatpants. Dean was quite pail and looked tired.

"Oh, baby, do you not feel well" Cas said and started to stroke his fingers threw Deans hair. Dean shook his head and sat up so he could move to Cas's lap. He buried his face into his boyfriends neck. Cas placed a kiss to the top of his hair.

"For people who don't know, this is my boyfriend. We have been together for 11 years. He's a bit camera shy, that's why he's only in 1 or 2 videos." Cas explained. He carried on with the live until soft snoring started to come from Dean. He shut the camera off and lead down. Dean still in his arms. He soon fell asleep.

A few days passed and Cas's followers where asking to see his mystery boyfriend. Cas decided to do a morning vlog. He got up before Dean and set up his camera to face the bed. Dean was still sleeping. Cas turned the camera on and crawled into the bed with Dean.

"Come on, baby. You need to get up" he whispered. Dean groaned then turned around to pull Cas into him. He rested his head on Cas's chest.

"Dean, you have work" Cas whisperd

"Noooo, I wanna stay here with yoooooou" he wined. Cas chuckled and slipped from Deans grasp. Dean wined again and sat up, fully exposing his face and tattoo on his left shoulder blade. It was a pair of wings with Castiel's name in the middle. It was a promise tattoo. One to say that they will never leave each other. Cas has one with a shot gun and Dean's name over it. Cas threw a shirt at him.

"You have work" Cas said again. Dean stood up and faced the camera. He had yet to realise it was there. Dean was pretty fit. He had a six pack and his arms where very muscular. Some girls at the school where all over him and then he lectured the whole class that he was gay and had a boyfriend. He had a scar in the middle of his chest from where Cas's brother stabbed him. He said he was turning Cas gay. Castiel left all his family that day. He only keeps in contact with Gabriel and Lucifer. The two oldest of a lot of children. Dean threw the shirt back at him. Cas moved into the frame of the camera.

"I want yours" Dean told him. Cas rolled his eyes but took of his shirt and passed it over to Dean. Cas was in better shape than Dean. The Winchester ran his hand over Cas's chest and leaned in.

"You're so hot" he muttered then pressed his lips to Cas's. It was a quick one, leaving Cas blushing. Yeah, he was the top but Dean anyways made him blush. Dean left the cameras frame to finish getting ready. Cas layed down on the bed. Dean crawled over to him. He pressed his lips to the others. It was faster than the other one. Cas pushed him away.

"Go to work, we can have sex later" he said. Dean rolled his eyes and kissed Cas one last time before getting ready for work.

"That's what I get to wake up to in the morning" he whispered into the camera when Dean had left the room. He turned the camera off. He didn't bother editing it so he posted it. Dean left for work half an hour later. When he got to work, all eyes where on him. He didn't understand why. When he got to his class room, he was bonbarded with questions.

"You're going out with Castiel Novak?!?" was a common one

"Where did you get the scar?" was another one

"What dose that tattoo mean?" was a diferent one. Dean was still confused then it hit him. Cas must of videoed him at some point. He sighed and sat at his desk. He decided to ring Cas. He took his phone out and called him

"Hey, babe" he said. The room went quiet.

"Hello, Dean" he said back innocently.

"Did you video me at some point and then post it?" Dean asked

"Mabye...." Cas said. Dean chuckled

"Warn me next time" Dean told him. "I'm going now. Love you. See you later"

"See you later, love you, too" Cas said back. Dean hung up. The class sat down.

"I'll answer your questions but put your hands up" Dean told them. Pretty much all of them put their hand up. Dean pointed one.

"How long have you know Castiel for?" Dean thought for a second.

"13 years" he aventualy said

"Where did you meet?" Dean flashed threw his memories to find where he first saw Cas

"A small cafe in his home town" he told them

"How did you meet?" Cas shouted 'Hey, you. You've a cute ass' from across the cafe

"He flirted with me from across the room" Dean said simply

"Is he good in bed?" Dean chuckled. Cas was very good in bed

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out" he said

"How did you get the scar in the center of your chest?" Dean didn't want to say

"Long, privete story" he told them

"What is the tattoo all about?" Dean pulled down the corner of his shirt, showing the ink

"It's a promis to never leave each other." he answered. He answered a lot more questions and he aventualy got to go home. Cas and Dean had a night full of fun. Let's just leave it at that...

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