Go Away, Sammy

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Cas had just got back from the empty. He had just said hello to Jack for the first time and now he and Dean where stearing into each others eyes. The had small smiles on their faces and faint blushes across their cheeks. Everyone soon went to bed.

Dean was woken by a scream. He jumped up and ran towards it, his gun at the ready. He opened Cas's door and saw the angel in a ball in the corner, crying. Dean put his gun down and went over to him.

"Cas, what's wrong?" Dean asked.

"D-Dean, it was horrible. I-I-" Cas started breathing heavy and fast. Dean brought him into his arms. He picked Cas up and brought him to the bed. He layed Cas onto the bed and stood up. Cas grabbed his arm with a panicked look.

"Don't leave me" he whimpered. His normal beautiful eyes where blood shot. Tears where streaming down his cheeks like waterfalls. It shattered Dean's heart to see Cas so broken.

"I'm not leaving you" he whispered. He climbed into bed with the angel and pulled him into his arms. Sam appeared in the door way with Jack behind him.

"Is Cas ok?" Jack asked. Dean nodded and pulled Cas closer.

"He's ok, just a bad dream" he said. Sam and Jack nodded. The left, closing the door.

"It was horrible, Dean" cas started.

"I was awake. When Lucifer stabbed me the only thing I could think about was not seeing you again. I don't want to go back there, Dean, don't let me go back there" Cas started crying more. Dean moved so Cas's face was buried into his chest. He stroked the Angels back. Cas suddenly felt the angel blade go into him. He looked up to Dean. His green eyes where black. Cas woke up with a scream. All around him was dark. He screamed more. The Empty.

"Cas, Cas. Wake up" he heard Dean's voice. He shot up and opened his eyes. Dean's eyes where still black as he plunged the angel blade into Cas's chest. Cas screamed once more before waking up for real this time.

Dean came running into the room with Jack and Sam close behind.

"D-dean?" Cas asked. Dean nodded and walked over to him. The angel could see this was real now. Dean's eyes where bright and not dark. Cas let out a shaky breath and looked down.

"I'm sorry for waking all of you" he muttered, feeling guilty. Dean sat on the bed next to him.

"It's ok, are you ok?" he said. Cas started nodding but then shook his head. He started crying and Dean brought him into his arms.

"It was horrible" Cas whispered.

"I've got you, Cas. You will always have me by your side. No matter what, ok? I've got you" Dean whispered back, rocking back and forth. Sam smiled and shuffled out the room with Jack. Dean layed back with Cas still in his arms. Cas's head was now on Dean's chest. He also now realised Dean was shirtless. He blushed slightly and put a hand up infront of his face. He started to trace patterns on Dean's stomach and almost immediately felt better. He let out a shaky sigh. He had luckily stopped crying. Dean started to run his fingers threw Cas's hair. Cas hummed and closed his eyes.

"Do you like that?" Dean whispered with a chuckled. Cas nodded and intertwined his legs with the hunters.
"Come on, let's try and get some sleep" Dean said. The moved so Dean was being the big spoon. Their hands where clasped together on Cas's chest. Dean buried his face into the back of Cas's neck and pressed a gentle kiss. He pulled Cas even more closer, afraid that he might suddenly disappear. Sam stood in the doorway with a camera. He took a quick picture.

"Go away, Sammy" Dean suddenly said. Sam chuckled and walked off.

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