Fricking Witch

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Dean shot at the witch but not before she finished the spell that sent a blast an energy towards Dean. It threw him into the wall behinde him of the old wooden barn. The witch fell to the floor, dead. Dean sat up and the first thing he noticed was the golden brown locks falling over his shoulders.

"What the fuck?" he muttered. He then looked down.

"I have boobs?" he asked himself. The only good thing, was that his clothes turned to the size he now was. He jeans where skinny and he had a flannel top on. He had a smaller sized jacket that he normally has on.

"Son of a bitch" he shouted. He stood up and looked around. He saw the witch. After burning the body, he got into baby. He was going to the shop when the witch jumped him. She took him to the barn and used his blood to do the spell. He hit the steering wheel of baby

"SON OF A BITCH!!" he shouted again. Sam was never gonna let him live this one down. He started the engine and drove back to the motel. He knocked on the door Sam opened it.

"Uh, who are you?" he asked. Dean rolled his eyes and pushed pass Sam. Sam put his hands up in annoyance and closed the door. Cas was sat on a chair at the table.

"Who are you?" Sam asked again.

"Sam, that's Dean" Cas said, standing up. Dean flopped down onto one of the beds, face down. His now skinny jeans hugged his ass well and Cas had to advert his eyes.

"How do you know?" Sam asked the angel. Cas walked to the bed next to Deans and sat down.

"His, or her, soul is the same" Cas said. Dean sat up and faced Cas. In Cas's opinion, Dean was a very hot chick. 

"What happed?" Sam asked. Dean climbed into Cas's lap. Cas was now bigger than Dean and honestly, it was quite funny. Not for Dean of cause.

"Fricking witches, man" Dean said into Cas's neck. Cas ran his hands threw Deans now long hair.

"Sit in front of me, Dean" Cas told the hunter. Dean did. "Sam, do you have a hair brush?" he asked. Sam nodded and passed him one. Cas brushed Deans hair and plated it. The whole time, he had a look of concentration on his face.

"How do you know how to do that?" Dean asked once he had finished. Cas blushed.

"Uh, Claire made me watch loads of videos until I could do it perfectly in her hair" Cas explained. Dean chuckled.

"Cute" he whispered and pressed his lips to Cas's.

"Guys, shouldn't we be finding a way to reverse this?" Sam said, he had just got of
the phone to Rowena. She said she was close and she would be there in about an hour. Cas and Dean broke apart and looked at Sam.

"Rowena will be here in a bit, let's go get a drink or somthing" Sam told them. The two other people agreed an the went to the closest bar. As soon as Dean entered, all eyes where on him. He felt very uncomfortable and clung to Cas's arm. Cas understood and wrapped an arm around Deans shoulders. Dean wrapped an arm around Cas's waist. The hunters and angel sat down at a small table and Sam ordered drinks. People kept sending flirty winks towards Dean. He was fed up with it. Cas was looking at Dean, a goofy smile across his face.

"What?" Dean asked. Cas smiled again.

"I was watching your soul" Cas whispered "It's beautiful" he added. Dean leand farward, catching the angels lips in his.

"Hu-hum" came from infront of them and it wasn't Sam. The broke apart and looked to
who it is. In front of them was a guy who looked over drunk. He was in jeans and a

"What?" Dean asked him.

"I was wondering if I could buy you a drink" he spoke, winking at Dean. Cas became angry next to Dean so the hunter put a hand on his angels thigh.

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