What's Wrong?

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The Winchester brothers and Angel had just finished a hunt. They got into baby and Cas gasped in pain.

"You good, Cas" Dean asked. Cas nodded.

"I'm fine" he lied but Dean didn't push for more. When they got to the bunker, Cas went straight to his room. He stripped his top half and sat at the edge of his bed.

He unfolded his wings. Some of the feathers where matted and a few cuts where along the length. Cas put a hand up to sort a particularly messy part but winced and bit his lip as pain shot threw him. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He hadn't had them groomed since he rebbeled. He started to untangle the feathers again. Wincing everytime he touched them. He didn't even last 30 seconds before he was sobbing.

There was a knock on the door and Dean opened it. Cas's wings weren't viable to human eyes.

"Cas, what's wrong?" Dean asked, worry clear in his voice.

"They just hurt so much" Cas sobbed. Dean closed the door and pulled Cas into his arms. Cas calmed down a bit and Dean pulled away.

"What hurts?" he asked the angel. Cas glanced back quickly.

"M-my wings, they're disgusting and broken and they hurt" Cas started sobbing again and Dean pulled him back into his arms.

"I can help, I want to help" Dean said. Cas pulled away.

"You do?" he asked. Dean shyly nodded. Cas nodded aswell and made his wings visible to Dean. Dean saw how sore they looked.

He gently brushed his hand over a single feather. Cas shivered and Dean pulled his had away.

"Sorry, Cas, did I hurt you?" he asked. Cas shook his head.

"No, your touches don't hurt" Cas said making Dean blush.

Dean stood up and went to the bathroom. He came back with a first aid kit, warm water and a towel. He soaked the towel in the water and draped it over Cas's left wing. Cas almost instantly felt better. He closed his eyes and a small smile appeared on his lips. He left it there for a couple of minutes before washing it out and putting it over the other wing. While the other wing had the towel, he slowly untangled the feathers. He was sat behind the angel and had a look of concentration on his face. Cas smiled slightly. He loved seeing Dean careing.

"You're gonna need stitches on some of the cuts" Dean told him while he placed a hand on his side. Cas nodded and blushed. Dean moved his hand up and down and got up. He disinfected a needle and string. He went back behind Cas.

"It's gonna hurt" he said. Cas nodded. Dean carefully sew up the angel. Cas was gasping in pain and it broke Dean's heart. He finnaly finished and put some disinfectant cream on them. It was better and bandages because they would just stick to the other feathers. Dean then went to the other wing. He done the same. Once he had finished, Cas looked at them. They looked way better and hurt less. He smiled and Dean put his hand on Cas's side again. Cas shivered at the hunters touch.

Especially when he put some of the bigger feathers in his palm and kissed them. Cas blushed deeply. To kiss an Angels wings was another level of intimacy. Like giving yourself to the angel. That they wanted to be with them.

"Dean-" Cas started.

"I know what it means and I want to be with you, Cas." Dean said.

"I wanna make sure you never get hurt again." he added. Cas nodded

"I-I love you" he said. He felt Dean move of the bed. Had he messed up? Dean was leaving him? But then Dean was in front of him.

"I love you, too" he whispered. And with that, they kissed. Slow and sweet.

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