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Cas's heart plometed when he got the call. They call saying his best friend was in a car accident. He rushed to the hospital. He saw Dean's girlfriend in the waiting room, not even a single tear in her eyes.

"Oh, Cas, thank god, he's really bad. I can't do this" she said.

"What?" Cas asked, shocked

"I'm pregnant, it's not his, I haven't told him. I've been seeing someone else. His name is benny. Tell him we're done when he wakes up" she said innocently. Benny was Dean's onther friend.

"Get out" Cas ordered. She didn't try and argue, she just left. Cas walked up to the desk.

"Dean Winchester, he's my best friend"

"Sorry, family only." the person said

"His girlfriend just left him and he has no family in the country, can I see him?" Cas said back sternly. They nodded and gave him the room number. Cas rushed to his room and broke down crying when he saw the state he was in. He had pipes going into his mouth and cuts all over his face. Cas pulled a chair up to the side of his bed and took his hand in his own.

"Please don't do this to me, Dean. I don't have anyone else. Gabe died an hour before I got the call, please don't leave me" Cas said as he cryed more. Gabe was on life support after getting stabbed multiple times in an alley but had died leaving Cas with no more family. Cas had only just stopped crying when he got the call about Dean.

There was a knock on the side of the door and Cas turned around to see a doctor. Cas wiped his eyes.

"Hello, I'm Dr McClout." he had a British accent and was quite short.

"Castiel" Cas said as he looked back to his uncontious best friend.

"He has slipped into a Coma due to blood loss. It could be days or weeks" he said. Cas nodded. He cryed even more. He couldn't live with out him. They had been friends since high school! He stayed for 2 hours before heading home. He called Charlie and she insisted on coming to his house, so she did. They ate ice cream and cryed. All they could do was wait and hope for the best.

Lisa and Dean had started going out. Castiel felt something in his stomach but he ignored it.

"Hey, Dean. What do you think about moving in with me?" Lisa asked her boyfriend. Cas looked up from his phone and straight at Dean with a worried expression. He didn't want him to leave. Dean looked to Cas and then to Lisa. The two best friends had been living together since the end of collage.

"I- um...  I can't leave Cas" Dean stuttered. He knew Cas only had three people in his life: Dean, Gabe and Charlie. Lisa looked at Dean with shock.

"You would pick him over me?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Come on Lis, it's not like that."  Dean tryed to explain, but the truth was, he had fallen deeply in love with his best friend. He only dated Lisa so he could try and forget about it. Dean and Lisa had fallen out that day concluding Lisa to leave Cas and Deans apartment.

"I'm sorry, Dean" Cas said, looking down to his hands.

"Hey, it's not your fult. Besides, I'm never going to leave you" Dean comforted him.

That memory brought tears to his eyes. He missed Dean so much. He chuckled slightly as tears rolled down his cheeks. He was so jealous. He was sat next to Dean in his hospital bed, his hand in his own. Dean had now been asleep for 1 month and Cas was not coping well. He had become skinny and had bags underneath his eyes but he still visited Dean for a couple hours every day. Cas looked to his Dean.

"Please, Dean. You can't do this. You said that you would never leave me. I'm so sorry but I don't even know what for. I miss you so much. I miss those little smiles you did when you got pie" Cas had tears running down his cheeks once again "I miss those really bad references from shows that I have never watched. I miss your crappy singing in the car. I just miss you. But most of all" Cas stopped for a second "I think I-I love you" Dean heart rait picked up slightly but Cas brushed it off as nothing. He was losing hope. He went home a couple minutes later and cryed himslef to sleep. 

He got the call in the middle of the night. Dean woke up and was asking for him. He rushed to the hospital with a big smile. Just as he thought he only had on person left, he woke up. He ran straight to the room. Dean was sitting up in his bed with a bottle of water in front of him on a table.

"DEAN!!" he shouted as he hugged him, tears running from his eyes.

"Hey, Cas" Dean said with a chuckle, patting Cas on the back. But much to his disappointment, Cas pulled away and heald out a bag.

"I missed you so much" Cas said "I got you pie"

"You only get me pie when I've broken up with someone or it's my birthday." Dean said suspiciously.

"Uh, both" Cas said.

"What?" Cas sighed

"Lisa broke up with you, she had been cheating on you and it's also your birthday, sorry" Cas looked down. "Gabe died" he said quietly

"What?" Dean asked in shock. Cas started to cry. "Oh, Cas. I'm so sorry" Dean pulled him into a hug. "I love you, too" he whispered. Cas pulled away and looked Dean in the eyes.

"You heard me?" he asked with a blush coating his cheek. Dean nodded with a smile.

"So you don't care if I do this?" Cas asked, sitting on the side of his bed.

"Do wh-" Dean was cut of by a pair of lips on his. He lifted a hand up to cup Cas's cheek as he kissed back.

"Dean?" Lisa said from the doorway. The two broke apart.

"What?" Cas said annoyed that she interrupt.

"Can I talk to him alone?" she asked Cas

"No, whatever you have to say, you can say it infront of my boyfriend too" Dean said. Cas smiled and blushed. Dean grabbed his hand.

"Please, I still love you" she said and walked over to the other side of Dean and placing a hand on his arm. Dean pulled away from her touch.

"Tough, I don't love you, never have. I love this dork" he pointed to Cas "Now get out before I call a nurse to drag you out."

"But Benny left me with his-our kid. I can't do it on my own" she pleeded

"Not my problem" Dean said. She rolled her eyes and stormed out the room.

"Now, where were we?" Dean asked before pulling Cas for another kiss.

Dean was released a few days later and all their friends and what was left of their family threw him a party when he got home. It only lasted 2 hours and Cas and Dean cuddled after that. That was until Charlie shouted from the cubbored

"JUST FUCK ALREADY" she said as she came out. The boys birst out laughing. The three talked for an hour while eating the left overs of tones of ice cream that Charlie brought for Cas.

3 years later, Dean proposed. Cas, of corse, said yes. They had their wedding at a small barn in the middle of no where but they both enjoyed it. They adopted 2 children. One was a blond haired girl called Claire  and the other was a brown haired boy called Jack. Cas died first at the age of 93. Dean died 2 days later at the age of 93. Their kids, grandkids and great grandkids all attended the joint funeral. Dean and Castiel Winchester had a great life full of happiness. 

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