221B Baker Street

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Dean, Cas and Sam were all watching Sherlock in the living room. Cas was confused. He didn't understand any of the things Sherlock said but one thing he was sure about was that he didn't know witch he shipped more. Johnlock or Sherarty. But of corse something had to go wrong and before they knew it, a flash of lightning and they were being sucked into the tv.

"Hey Sam?" Cas said in his usual gruff voice "Where did you get those dvds from again?"

"An old lady was giving them away for free and they were in good condition. Why?"

"Did you ever think that they were being given away for a reason?" Dean snapped

"No. No I didn't" Sam said realising that they were probably cursed.

"So now we're stuck in Sherlock?" Cas said making his confused face that Dean can't get over how cute it is. Cas and Dean had been together for 6 months now. Only Kevin knew they were going out and he promised not to tell a soul.

"So," Sam started "What do we do?" Cas smirked

"We find 221B Baker Street" he said almost jumping of excitement. Dean rolled his eyes and tried to hold the smile back but he failed because of how adorable his angel was.

They walked down the street asking people where the could find said house. After an hour or two, they finally found the house they were looking for. Dean walked up and knocked on the door. About 30 seconds later, the door opened reveling a small old lady. She had short hair and looked very bubbly. Cas quickly recognised her as Mrs Hudson and his face lit up like a child seeing chocolate.

"Sherlock," she shouted "You've got another one."

"Send them up." someone shouted from up the stairs. Mrs Hudson rushed them inside and told them were to go. They quickly made their way upstairs.

"Who are you and what's you problem." A man said who Cas also recognised as Sherlock. He had a violin in front of him.
Dean turned to Sam and Cas

"Should we tell him the truth or lie?" Dean wispered

"Tell him the truth." Sam said "He can handle it."

"What can I handle?" Sherlock asked making them all turn to face him.

"SHERLOCK HOLMES!" a voice shouted from downstairs making them all jump. "YOUR BROTHER NEEDS TO STOP COMING TO ME WHEN HE'S WORRIED AND SHOULD GO TO YOU INSTEAD!" the man was now behind Sam Dean and Cas. "Oh hello." he said now in a calm voice.

"Hi" Sam Dean and Cas said in unison. Cas knew it was John. John walked pass them muttering something under his breath about people turning up all the time.

"So who are you?" Sherlock asked again as him and John sat in their seats.

"Well" Cas spoke first but Dean quickly butted in making Cas frown.

"I'm Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam and this is our pet angel Castiel." Sherlock and John looked at them blankly. Sam rolled his eyes

"Ok?" Sherlock said "What's your problem?"

"We got sucked into a TV because the dvds were cursed" Cas spoke.

"Ok let me put this straight. You're names are Dean Sam and Castiel, who is an angle, and you got sucked into a tv?" John asked

"Yeah" Dean said "pretty cool right?" he added doing one of those stupid smiles that Cas adored.

"Do you want some sort of proof or somthing?" Sam said sarcasticly.

"Yes" Sherlock said. Sam looked at Cas and raised his eyebrows. Cas rolled his eyes and made his eyes glow and showed the shadow of his wings. He quickly made it fade leaving Sherlock and John with confused expresion.

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