Chapter 41

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Tears gathered in the corner of Daeun's eyes as she stared out the window, the dullness of the night almost reflecting her own feelings

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Tears gathered in the corner of Daeun's eyes as she stared out the window, the dullness of the night almost reflecting her own feelings. Numbness. It was nothing new for her, but this is the first time she explained the full story to someone who would care.

It felt like a burden was finally pulled off her.

Seonghwa sat beside her, his hand slowly intertwining with hers, a deep sigh finally slipped away from his rosy lips, "It wasn't your fault baby."

Suddenly he felt the need to protect her, to make her think that none of this was her fault.
There was that familiar warmth springing from his chest again and surging through him like a burst of energy that was waiting to explode at the right time.

He can't explain the feeling, it was something he never felt towards a girl.

"Don't Seonghwa," She finally murmured, blinking away the tears as she let out a harsh exhale, "I should've never let go of her, heck I shouldn't have even held onto her like that."

"You said it yourself: it was raining, you slipped and so did she." Seonghwa repeated, eyes burning into her side profile but she still didn't date to look at him, "So what happened after?"

"I got questioned in the police station... at first I didn't say anything, I was in shock and was still crying but soon enough I ended up saying everything. It was so stupid." Daeun paused, "Eunha was right you know, I wasn't able to tell Leedo anything... I felt guilty."

"So he still doesn't know what she did?"

She shook her head in response, "My parents, the cops and Eunha's family are the only ones that know what happened that night. No one was supposed to know how Eunha... died but," She stopped with a shaky breath, gripping onto Seonghwa's hand as he squeezed back, worried for the girl, he watched her try to take steady and slow breaths.

"The driver who was involved in the accident got in touch with the local newspaper and soon enough my face was seen as the fault of Eunha's death. Leedo found out then too... I don't think I need to explain how angry he was."

Daeun wordlessly entered school, oblivious to the countless states she's receiving or the whispers that surrounded her, she was limp and numb of emotion. It felt as if her whole world had crashed in front of her, there was no Eunha by her side for almost 2 days now and Leedo hadn't been speaking to her nor Hwanwoong since he found out.

The light in his life was blown away.

She gazed down at her hands, and only saw her best friend's blood that was stained on it, although it was cleaned off long ago. The night left invisible scars on her, it pulled her into a subconscious trance of coldness and fright. She was a murderer. She killed her.

You killed her.
You killed her.
You killed her.
You killed her.
You killed her.

The words played mercilessly in her mind, a reminder of the fact that her own hands killed the one person that's been on her side since day one. Why did she grab onto her? Why did she let go?

Her thoughts were cut off by a loud bang on the locker beside her, her gaze moved to the person, only to meet Leedo's furious expression, darkness and fuels of hatred were only visible in his brown eyes.

He didn't say a word and instead shoved, what seemed like a newspaper, up her face.

Her brows furrowed as she read the front cover.

Frightening Accident On Freeway Leaves Town In Horror.

Her eyes widened dreadfully when she sees her and Eunha's barely caught in the picture, it was captured off a dash cam.

Realisation caused her eyes to snap open, it was the driver's car.

"You lied," He growled, slamming her locker shut making her flinch but still frozen in her position. Multiple students began to crowd around the scene that was soon turning into nothing but a nightmare for Daeun, "You said you knew nothing, but what's this?! What did you do to her?!"

"Leedo calm down, please." She whispered meekly, her vulnerable state beginning to show to the world making him scoff in utter disbelief, now chucking the newspaper away from her hands.

"Calm down? It's too late for that now don't you think?" She could hear how it took all his willpower to say that without breaking from the confident aura he withheld, "You... you killed her."

And suddenly the voice in her head was very much alive.

"Daeun, Daeun!" Seonghwa's voice felt like miles away from her, just an echo in the distance as her body sprung up, snatching her hand away from his.

She needed to get away.
It felt as if something was pulling her into into a horrifying nightmare relentlessly, dragging her and dragging her until she would break.

But she can't break, she won't break.

"I-I need to go."

"No wait, Daeun!" Seonghwa called after her as she ran out of his car without another word, his coat dancing around her small figure beautifully and her dark hair flying around her.

He sighed, throwing himself back against the seat and sending a glance towards multiple bags and her umbrella that she left behind.

He knows she needs space but somewhere deep inside he didn't want to leave.

He knows she needs space but somewhere deep inside he didn't want to leave

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