Chapter 44

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"She has little under three months to live

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"She has little under three months to live."

Seonghwa sat across from the doctor, wide eyed and wordless as his dad nodded, listening quietly to the doctor with expectancy lurking beneath his dark eyes.

Seonghwa could feel a piece of himself wither away every second. None of this can be real. None of this can be fucking real. His mum- the only person who's been with him every step of the way, can't be leaving this horrible world in three months.

Who will love him then?

"Can she stay here then?" Minjun spoke up, caressing his chin, his gaze locked on the doctor expectantly.

The doctor gulped, a nervous smile making it's way to her lips, she hesitantly nodded to both the father and son, "She can but-"

"Then we'll keep her here." He cut her off with a grunt, getting up without another word, Seonghwa's head snaps in his direction abruptly.

His dark eyes was ignited with pure anger, and his patience towards his father was beginning to deteriorate like the speed of lightning, "I'll stay too then."

The doctor could sense the tension between the two, it was obvious, the way they stared down each other as if they were battling almost internally.

Finally Minjun looked away from Seonghwa, "Is he too allowed to stay then?"

"Yes." She answered with a bright smile, not wanting to get on the business owner's bad side. Finally she flashed a smile in Seonghwa's direction, "You could bring her tomorrow morning if that's fine."

Seonghwa nodded, watching his father slip out of the room without another glance. He knows he's now annoyed with him once again but this time he wasn't going to back down.

"Thanks erm..." Seonghwa trailed off awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head, the doctor giggled at his shyness.

"Doctor Ryu."

"Thank you doctor Ryu."


The morning had finally arrived and Seonghwa got up with no haste. After breaking the news to his mother last night, he wanted to take things slow, knowing she was upset and scared but nothing could be done to change his father's decision.

But he'll be with her every step of the way.

"Mum! We need to go now!" Seonghwa called, his eyes darting around the reception as if there was hope buried within him that his dad will change his mind. But no, that won't happen.

As long as he has that woman, he's perfectly fine without them. The thought brought a bitter smile to his soft lips.

"I'm coming!" Jihye yelled, a hopeful smile painted on her rouge lips as she glided down the stairs, immediately placing her arm around his shoulders, "Now, before we go, I just want to remind you that you don't need to stay with me. I'll be perfectly fine on my own."

"Ma," Seonghwa whined, "I want to come and besides I don't want you to be lonely." And i don't want to be alone either.

"I know mars but what about your fathe-"

"He'll be fine."
He doesn't give a shit about us anyways.

"Ok then, let's go!" She squealed, excitement laced in her high tone, she began marching to the door, dragging a bewildered Seonghwa with her.

She sounds a bit too excited to be staying at a private hospital for three months. Or maybe she wanted to leave this suffering place he called home.

"Have we got everything? Yes!" Jihye carried on, eyeing the mounts of luggage and bags that the maid had packed for them yesterday. It wasn't much, but definitely enough for a start, "You're still going to go school mars."

"Aw for real?" He groaned with a pout plastered on his lips, "I was looking forward to it being just us."

"It can be just 'us' on the weekends." Jihye laughed, shaking his shoulders lightly before getting into the car, "Besides I can't let you miss school for God knows how long."

Seonghwa gulped, feeling the hefty lump wedged inside his parched throat. He decided it was for the best not to tell her how long she has left, knowing it would instantly pull her into a depressing state, he doesn't want that.

He just wants to cherish however long they have left together, no matter how painful it gets for him.

A warm hand being placed on top of Seonghwa's pulls him out of his trance as he looks at his mother, a slight smile appearing on his lips.

He was scared for what was waiting for them in the future.

[ his past : part two ]

hii so i haven't been doing too well lately, i have some things going on at home so writing has been hard for melately :(

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hii so i haven't been doing
too well lately, i have some
things going on at home so
writing has been hard for me
lately :(

i'm sorry if updates are lacking
i'll try my best to make them
as interesting as possible

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