Chapter 57

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Daeun ran, she ran as fast as she could

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Daeun ran, she ran as fast as she could. She needed to get away, barging past the swaying bodies of countless students and even stumbling herself, she kept on running. The hot tears wouldn't stop flowing out of her red-rimmed eyes, soaking her flaming pink cheeks and sliding off her jaw line. It wasn't stopping, nor was she.

A hand clamped down on her mouth, to stop the whimpers and sobs from escaping her and but she continued running. It felt like she the walls were closing in on her, she felt like she couldn't breathe.

She couldn't believe anything. Seonghwa had played her from the beginning and she never realised because she was so blindly captivated by him, his flawless beauty and the way he loved her. She, in the end, was just another one of his toys, his playthings.

But what shook her the most was that even after months of dating, of deep conversations, of their jokes, he never had truly loved her. He let her go so easily, just like the girls before her.

Daeun couldn't bare it. The pain was beginning to swell up in her but the anger still persisted. She hates him, she hates him so fucking much. Park Seonghwa told her she was nothing to him, and he said it with such pride. She should've said something back.

Finally she found a bathroom, immediately slamming the door open she jogged to the sink, her eyes unintentionally landing on her hideous reflection. Her bloodshot eyes were cleared of any whites and her mascara was smudged across her eyes, her lips wouldn't stop the quivering and her tears had soaked her face, ruining the make up she took her time to do today. For him. Her trembling fingers gripped the sides of the clean sink, steadying her shaking body as she looked at herself in the mirror. Crying over a boy who never loved you was a new and ugly look.

The tears continued falling against her cheeks endlessly, and unwillingly a small whimper forced out of her lips. One whimper was followed by another and so on until it became loud sobs. She squeezed her eyes shut, rubbing it roughly and the mascara smeared even more. She hated this feeling, it was like she accused herself of falling for him and his game, like it was her fault. It was her own fault for becoming addicted to him.

you knew what type of person he was and you decided to follow. like a sheep following its master cluelessly and aimlessly.

you tried to find the good in him and you did. but only looking for the good in people will hurt you in the end.

you loved him so fucking much and he knew. so he took advantage of that.

it is your fault.

Her uneven breathing became heavier and shorter, her eyes still closed as she tried to calm herself down. Her quietness was short lived when another person enters the bathroom, her eyes darting immediately to the other side.

Lee Seyeon.

She stood there, first confused and frowning when she sees a red-eyed and tear streaked Daeun. But that confusion was momentary, it was instantly replaced with an unfamiliar look she had never seen on her.

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