Chapter 106

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"Where is he?!"

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"Where is he?!"


"Park Seonghwa dipshits!"

Daeun casually stood behind a very angry Yuta, watching as he yelled at the current group of seven who suddenly cowered away from the intimidating male- not feeling so confident now, are they? She internally scoffed at the thought, crossing her arms over her chest.

Wooyoung easily laughed at Yuta, awkwardly scratching the back of his head as he tries to come up with an excuse for his friend. "H-He's uh in not coming today."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah and besides why do you need him?" Hongjoong finally asked the question that was on everyone's mind; why did a suddenly aggressive Nakamoto Yuta suddenly need Park Seonghwa?

"Because I need to punch him." Yuta answered nonchalantly, shocking everyone as they gasp dramatically loud, quickly looking at each other and then him. Now they were excited… except Hongjoong who now tensed, worried with whatever shit Seonghwa pulled.

"Whatever stupid thing he did I apologise on his behalf."

"Do you want me to knock your teeth out or some shit?" Yuta growled at the unnatural red head, about to take a step closer to him until a very awkward laugh filters through their discussion.

"What did Seonghwa do exactly?" Yunho asked whilst laughing, his dark eyes quickly darting to Daeun who was watching the scene unfold with a sly grin, almost looking amused with the awkwardly tense atmosphere.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with her." Mingi growled in disapproval, glaring at Daeun who only chuckles.

"Oh hi DaeDae! Didn't see you there." Hongjoong happily grinned, making Daeun's smile drop within a split second.

"DaeDae? Why do we even let you talk." Yeosang grumbled to himself, inwardly cringing at the revolting nickname while physically appearing disturbed.

"DaeDae's cute though." Wooyoung mumbled absent-mindedly, also making San momentarily think too.

"Should I call you WooWoo then?" He teased.

"Great the lovebirds have set off." Jongho sighed despairingly, obviously not too fond of the theme of 'love', God even the thought of public displayed affection or anything even remotely physical made him feel sick to his core. And the fact that Woosan were openly flirting was not helping.

"Is anyone going to tell me where Park Seonghwa is?!" Yuta yelled, his aggressive tone making all the external chatter in the group die down, bringing them back down to their number one priority right then; where the fuck is Park Seonghwa?

"What's with all the screaming at bloody 8am?!" Seonghwa yelled back as he coincidentally entered the dreadfully quiet room; his headphones in one hand while his phone in the other.

NOTHING TO YOU. seonghwaWhere stories live. Discover now