Chapter 108

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"Bae can I walk you home today too?" Seonghwa peers in the doorway, just like yesterday with a wide smile glued to his face

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"Bae can I walk you home today too?" Seonghwa peers in the doorway, just like yesterday with a wide smile glued to his face. It was after school and their after school practice was just about to begin and seeing as they finish at the same time he thought why not.

Daeun nods, too focused on lining her bow against the strings of her cello to properly think it through. "Okay, just get here on time hm?"

"Sure thing my love." He winks before happily waving her goodbye, the small yet cute motion going unseen by her as she continues prepping herself. And before she could even look up to say goodbye he was already gone- running through the halls joyously.

She rolls her eyes at the inhuman sounds of bliss he was making. Why was he acting as if he had just won the world cup or some crap?

Guess small things like that makes him happy.

As soon as the clock strikes 5 Seonghwa comes dashing in, gasping for air, sweaty and still in his practice clothes eliciting a gag from Daeun, her fingers pinching her nose shut.

"You smell horrible."

Seonghwa scoffs, playfully glaring at her as he swiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. "I wasn't keeping track of the time so I couldn't take a shower, it's not my fault."

"Nothing's ever your fault, is it?" Daeun added sarcastically, grabbing a tissue out of her pocket as she walks to him. "Must I do everything for you future CEO Park?" Without so much as a thought she slightly tiptoes and lightly dabs the tissue on his damp, shiny forehead, barely even acknowledging the look of pure shock on his face. Untamed butterflies swarm in the pits of his stomach and it takes almost everything in him for his gaze to not flutter down to her lips.

"Me a future CEO? That's scary to even think of." He commented stiffly, his eyes searching hers that only seemed interested in getting the sweat off his skin.

Daeun hummed, sliding the scrunched up tissue down to his cheek all while gently patting it against his clear, glowing skin. "That's only scary to think of because you're still childish and immature for someone this age." Her serious tone falters for a moment when she finally looks him in the eye, her hand wavering at the dark yet beautiful shade of brown they were. Just why did he had to be this beautiful?

"Which is why you're here to take care of me." He mumbled through a small smile, his gaze not moving off her once as his hand intertwined with her free one, gently swinging it side by side.

Daeun swore her heart stopped beating for a second.

And finally it starts again. "I won't always be here, you know? You're going to have to start taking care of yourself properly Seonghwa."

"Nope you're going to stay with me forever." Seonghwa grinned boyishly, tilting his head to the side in an almost cute motion, it making her innocent heart warm with a familiar feeling. A feeling she knows all too well.

Physically she only raised a brow, taunting him. "Oh really?"

"Yes really. Say I'm going to be forced to go to for example London business school, you'll come with me and thennn we'll find a music school you can go to right in London so you can study there. Money won't be an issue, you'll be able to take care of me and so on, problem solved."

He was more stupid than she thought he was.

"Your imagination must be wild if you think I'm going to move to the other side of the world, with my family back here along with my whole life. Yep no, I graciously decline." She joked, patting his cheek with her palm, their close distance suddenly going unaffected as the conversation deepens.

"But you've always wanted to study abroad…?"

Daeun knitted her brows together briefly, now standing upright with her hand falling to her side, confusion clouding her mind and her expression. "Wait you're being serious?"

She knows Park Seonghwa was a bit of a joke and a tremendous flirt but what was this? He couldn't be so serious on something that could affect both their lives.

Seonghwa withholds intense eye contact with her, arching a brow defiantly. "Is there a problem if I am?"

Yes, there are a million problems if you are.

Daeun mimics his expression almost tauntingly yet her obvious irritation doesn't go unnoticed. "Seonghwa I don't know what you want me to say? We aren't together for you to even be asking me such a thing."

He won't lie, that sort of hurted him. "So you're telling me if we're together as in a couple again you would then consider it Bae?"

Daeun's eyes widen, suddenly seeing where he was going with this. "No of course not." She rushed out, quickly yanking her hand out of his making a godly smile appear on his lips. "You don't even know what school you'll be going to first of all, it might not be London but perhaps Italy, France, or even the states. Point is, you don't know Seonghwa."

"Would that even matter if we're together again…?"

"Yes of course it would!" She snapped in absolute incredulity, her mind becoming hazy. "Now will you stop fantasizing about this. I won't be moving to another country with you, end of."

Seonghwa hummed, crossing his arms over his chest while he towered over her, head directly above hers making her breath waver for a mere second. He smiles, smugly. "We'll see Bae."

Withholding her gaze, his hand effortlessly laced with hers again, his fingertips pressed into the back of her hand, warmth flooding their connected hands. He flashes her another heart-fluttering smile, tugging her in the direction of the door and for the first time in a while she never realised how much she longed to hold onto him.

And here they were, quietly bickering while walking out of the school with their hands intertwined just like before… except the smiles on their faces were as real as their love.

And here they were, quietly bickering while walking out of the school with their hands intertwined just like before… except the smiles on their faces were as real as their love

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i mean i'm not trying to
foreshadow shit but erm 👀

ANYWHORES i am excited to
finally end this book withh a
side of angst but hopefullyyy
(not making any promises) i'll
give u all a happy ending 😌✌


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