Chapter 100

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" it's all for love "

"Okay so let me get this straight; you're helping your rich ex boyfriend with his family problems, the same boy who was supposedly an alleged fuckboy and who also broke your heart

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"Okay so let me get this straight; you're helping your rich ex boyfriend with his family problems, the same boy who was supposedly an alleged fuckboy and who also broke your heart. But now he suddenly changed into a better person, apparently for you as well. And that's not all, there's another boy who's a bit more fragile and basically loves you to the point where he will wait for you even for an eternity. However you don't feel the same for him so you're going to reject him while your ex?" The male laughed maniacally. "You're not over him."

"Not funny Daehwi." Somi deadpanned, caressing Daeun's back while glaring at the male.

Daehwi only laughed again, the dolphin like sound audibly bouncing through the empty halls of the library as they say huddled in the staff room. The sound of his laughter going off every couple of seconds almost made it seem like a screeching dolphin was actually lapping the halls.

Daeun remained pouting, her palms against her rosy cheeks with her eyes glued to the marble floor.

"Oh but wait here's the showstopper~!" Daehwi announced, and hunched over his stomach that began to ache due to the endless laughter. "You're going to meet with that ex in," he quickly glanced at the clock, "5 minutes!"

Daeun became rigid, feeling conscious about the scorn on his voice. "I… Is meeting with him the wrong thing to do?"

"No! Of course not! You're helping him for Christ sake!" Somi flashed her a broad, cheerful smile, reassuring the poor girl who was obviously taking Daehwi's words deeper under her skin.

"I mean, it's none of my business but if he's changed just get back with him. What's the worst he could, break your already broken heart?" Daehwi rolled his eyes, before being smacked in the head by a frustrated Somi.

"You fucking idiot! Say something right for once!"

"What did I do?!"

Daeun shook her head in disapproval, weaving through the unorganized piles of books as she begins to make her way to the entrance, leaving Daehwi and Somi fighting like cats and… dolphins.

As soon as her body had stepped out into the cool summer evening, she was met with the sight of Seonghwa leaning against the hood of his car, adorned in black jeans and an oversized long-sleeved white shirt, the clueless male was scrolling mindlessly through his phone.

Daeun who also looked strikingly elegant was swaying in her chequered skirt with a matching knitted vest, a short sleeve white shirt obvious under it as the collar peeks from the top of the vest. Her blond hair fell beautifully against her shoulders, allowing the straight strands to sway in the sweet breeze as she tread to him, oblivious to the upturn of her lips.

A momentary glance was thrown in her direction until he had noticed her smiling, his own smile enticing his rosy lips as he turns off his phone, watching her walk to him with such endearing beauty.

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