Chapter 89

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Daeun lifelessly trudged through the empty streets of Seoul, her shoulders slouched and down out of tire

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Daeun lifelessly trudged through the empty streets of Seoul, her shoulders slouched and down out of tire. She just wanted some ice cream and a small chat with Uncle, instead she got something or someone she despised.
Seonghwa happily walked beside her, beaming with excitement and enthusiasm despite it being almost 10:30- the peak of the dark night.

Her eyes narrowed on his side profile, brows unconsciously furrowing. Why was he acting so damn happy?

As they walked down the pavement, Seonghwa's jeep had come into view, just a couple of metres away from them. Daeun expected Seonghwa to go to his car as she walks past but he didn't, instead he carried on skipping as though he hadn't even noticed it in the first place.

"Your car is there." She pointed out, halting in her forced pace and he does too, turning around to her almost expectantly.


"What do you mean and?! Go home already!" Daeun snapped, frustratedly waving her hands at the bleak car behind her. It was already frustrating enough that she saw him today- on her birthday but whatever he's doing now, she won't allow it. She just wants to go home and eat her damn ice cream.

"But it's night…" Seonghwa frowned almost innocently, his gaze wondering over the isolated scene around them. "I don't want you to go alone, who knows what could happen."

Daeun grinded her teeth together out of absolute irritation, why was he acting as if she were some vulnerable girl who was likely in danger of predators? If anything, they should be scared of her. "I can protect myself thanks." Her tone was sour as the words spewed from her mouth venomously, turning away from his dumbstruck self, she was about to take a step forward and walk away from him.

Until his hand had gripped her shoulder from behind, and before she could even take a breath in, her back was forcefully slammed onto the cool metal of his car door, a pained gasp escaping her parted lips.

Seonghwa had his body lightly pressed against hers, knee between her legs and his smooth hands clutching both her shoulders against the vehicle, prohibiting her from moving. He seemed serious in that moment, his head inclining to the side dangerously, making her throat dry like a scorching dessert.

The first thing Daeun should've done was try scream at him, then push him and then scream at him again yet for some reason, she found herself gazing into his beautiful eyes, her body loosening at his unfortunately perfect features.

Seonghwa sighed and detached his hands from her, taking a respective step back, his stormy eyes still locked on her.

"You froze."

Daeun blinked twice at that, as she stepped away from the bitter metal of the car. "What…?"

"You should've hit me or yelled at me but instead you just stood there like an idiot. I could've done anything, anything to you." Seonghwa crossed his arms over his chest, a look of disbelief settled on his face.

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