Chapter 16

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"No no no I can't do this

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"No no no I can't do this." Daeun mumbles, trying to pry her hand out of Seonghwa's as he gripped it tightly.

Today is the last day of school before Christmas holidays and it's also the day after announcing the news to everyone in the lunch hall, that being said it was awkward.

"We're dating, no one's going to care." Seonghwa scoffs, dragging Daeun while making his way into the school building however she didn't want to go in with their hands linked.

"Let go of my hand then I'll go in!" Daeun yells, still trying to pry her hand out of his.

In all honesty, she hates being the centre of attention while Seonghwa's the complete opposite.

He is and always has been the centre of attention, and he can't deny the fact that he loves it.

"Nuh uh." Seonghwa huffs, trying to haul her into the school. Other students walked past them, watching the couple quarrel with each other.

Daeun gave a sheepish yet apologetic smile to everyone that walked past, feeling completely embarrassed whereas Seonghwa sneered at them, wanting them to mind their own business.

"Let go!"

"No." Seonghwa deadpans, now staring down at her annoyedly as Daeun freezes, suddenly feeling intimidated.

Fortunately an idea popped into Seonghwa's head causing his lips to lift into a conceited smirk, "Today's half day so we'll go on our first date today if you go in with me."

Daeun groans, jumping up and down, hand still in his as Seonghwa watched her with a grin, "Why do you keep on tempting me?!"

"And why the fuck are you so cute?" Seonghwa grins, about to give her a small peck on the lips until Daeun pushed his face to the side. 

She became flustered, her cheeks blending into a light pink, he always makes her heart melt in the most random moments.

"We'll go in, only because I want us to go out." She sighs, causing Seonghwa to throw a fist in the air in victory, "But that doesn't mean you can kiss me in public."

"Of course babe." He winks, pulling Daeun into the school building, his hands intertwining with hers.

Daeun's eyes widened at the word, her throat suddenly feeling dry as she eyed him, stunned at how he casually just said that

"I did not give you permission to call me babe." She finally mumbles, their shoulders bumped against each other while their hands didn't go unseen.

"Whatever you say sweetheart." Seonghwa teases, biting his lip as he tried to not burst out laughing.

Daeun sighs again, but this time she was getting irritated with his cockiness.

However sweetheart sounds way worse than babe...

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