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don't break me again
i am delicate
please don't break my heart

Daeun laid wide awake in her bed that night, suddenly feeling torn between something she never knew she would be involved in

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Daeun laid wide awake in her bed that night, suddenly feeling torn between something she never knew she would be involved in.

The clock beside her read 02:43, and despite her arriving home at 12am, she was unable to sleep amid the realisation of something she didn't want to question.

Did she really like Lucas?
Yes, she admits he is one perfect soul who has an untold knack for helping people before helping himself, and that is what makes him Wong Yukhei.
And yes, she also admits he helped her in the time she needed someone to hold onto, someone who gave her endless comfort- and he is still that someone.

But despite all that, despite all the goodness the pure boy had stirred within him, she was in the end, forcing herself to love him.

That wasn't fair on him. He didn't deserve someone who was making themselves forcefully love him, no her Yukhei deserves someone who loves him ceaselessly, just like the way he does with her.

Her heart was breaking at this point. They've made it this far, and all this time she was flooding him with limitless hope and the thought of crushing it was only making her heart break more.

What does she do? He's been clinging onto her side since the devastating break up with Seonghwa, always caring, always checking up on her to make sure she was good- and never once has he been impatient.

And yet, her heart is tugging in the opposite direction.

She was gradually coming to terms with the fact that she wasn't over Park Seonghwa, could anyone really get over him?

He was charming in ways that made girls' hearts swoon with delight. And in spite of his prominent arrogance, he was a soft, sensitive male under the surface.

He was also attempting to convince her now much he is trying to change himself just for her; she would hate to admit it aloud but there has been a conspicuous change in him, and it was slowly becoming obvious to the people around him.

But the real question was, was she willing to get back with him after everything? Was Bae Daeun willing to shove aside every single thing he's done to her?

No... not really.

However, was she ready to throw her revenge out of her mind?

Yes, she was.

"Just make up your mind." Daeun murmured to herself, snuggling deeper into her pillow as warmth engulfs her, the slow drowsiness surpassing her consciousness.

And within minutes the poor girl had fallen into deep slumber, her thoughts unwillingly circulating about the two guys who managed to change her life.

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