Chapter 119

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The golden sun was slowly setting, hues of gold streaking against their face before the two walked into another shop- one pouty and exhausted while the other was brightly smiling at the staff

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The golden sun was slowly setting, hues of gold streaking against their face before the two walked into another shop- one pouty and exhausted while the other was brightly smiling at the staff.

"Does it take this long to find one pair of heels?" Seonghwa muttered under his breath, fiddling with the watch adorned around his wrist and looking around the empty shoe shop with an obvious pout.

Numerous heels loitered the racks, from shimmery golden ones to opaque pink ones- each expensive though some deemed more eccentric than others. Seonghwa's heart stopped as Daeun mindlessly picked up a pair of shiny black ones, his body practically freezing at the price. 400,000.00 won.

"What's with that look Future CEO Park?" Daeun immediately raised a brow at his spontaneous reaction, nudging at him for a response. "Your allowance is literally $500 a week, don't make that face at me."

"It's really not-"
"Literally close that mouth of yours Jeff Bezos."

His expression immediately falls. "J-Jeff Bezos? I'm not that rich Bae."

"That rich? I- you literally just implied you're rich." Daeun let out a bitter laugh, placing the black ones down and instead picking up another pair of black heels- this one plain leather with red outsoles. It was slightly higher, perhaps four inches of so yet the shoes itself spoke elegance and simplicity.

She fell in love that very moment.

"I'm getting these and I'm going to look tall on graduation day now." She grinned from ear to ear like a cat, earning an amused chuckle from Seonghwa as he nods, outstretched his hands and easily grabbing the shoe out of her hold.

"Okay, I'll pay for it now-"

"Erm no excuse me, I'm paying. I just made you come so I can have some company, although you weren't my first choice…"

"Let's not lie Bae, I'm always your first choice." Seonghwa rolled his eyes boastfully, earning an offended scoff from Daeun as she easily snatches the heel back.

"No it was Yukhei actually."

"Oh please, are you still being salty about the fact that your dad probably likes me more than you?" Seonghwa quickly grasped onto the heel again, apparently not quick enough as Daeun aggressively swats his hand off it, a sneer set on her lips.

"Perhaps, all my dad does is talk about how much of a perfect son-in-law you'd be. What bullshit are you feeding him?" Daeun spewed out impulsively as she barges past him, ignoring the sudden drop of his jaw and the gasp of disbelief.

It wasn't a complete lie… her dad practically adores Seonghwa to pieces and she wants to know why. What charm does he have that made her dad, a strict ex army officer, immediately fall for him? She was desperate to know.

"Bullshit?! Wouldn't I make such a good son-in-law?" He clambered after her with his tone reflecting the sudden insecurity he felt- she laughs at that, stomping towards the counter with the shoe tightly pinned in her hand.

"No." She deadpanned.
"And why not? I love you and your parents."

"Because…" Daeun trailed off, somewhat at a loss of words at his confession. He loves her parents and her parents love him. He was sweet, kind and respectful. So in all complete honesty- he would in fact, make the best son-in-law.

But that doesn't mean she has to admit that. "Because you're fucking annoying."

"Annoyingly amazing you mean."

"No shut up." She grumbled as she stops right in front of us counter, the sneer on her lips flipping into a small smile at the staff who took her shoes in with a similar smile.

Meanwhile Seonghwa was huffing sulkingly behind her, his arms finding her waist from behind.

Unconsciously, Daeun took a sharp inhale of air, throat tightening at his arms circling around her waist, his cheek laying on the back of her head- a pout on his lips. She was at a loss of at words for a moment, not knowing if she should continue to smile at the shop clerk- ignoring the warmth his arms kept her captive in or quickly push him off in embarrassment.

Daeun almost squirmed, feeling his fingertips lightly brush against her bare, milky skin- she regretted wearing a short top.

"That'll be 450,000.00 won please."
The clerk couldn't help but laugh the second the two individuals whips out both their cards- glaring at each other though smiles twitched on their faces. Seonghwa stared down at Daeun with narrowed eyes- a ghost of a smile playing on his lips while his arms remain locked around her waist.

Daeun couldn't stop the scowl from leaving her lips, irritated but finding it rather thoughtful at the same time. She was conflicted with her opinion on him. Was he just careless but caring or was it just when he was with her? "Didn't you hear me Park? I'm paying for myself."
"I did hear, but I don't care Bae- put the card away."

"Gosh you young couples these days haha." The clerk laughed to herself as she watched the hostile interaction with awe-filled eyes, finding the situation extremely adorable.

"I swear I will slap you."
"Your dad will probably kill you if you even dare to."

hwa and bae's dad's relationshipajdjsmsmsmm  ANYWAY 2-3 CHAPTERS LEFTBROSKI 😩

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hwa and bae's dad's relationship

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