Chapter 42

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━━ ❛ two broken souls opening up ❜ ━━

The next day Daeun wasn't seen anywhere at school

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The next day Daeun wasn't seen anywhere at school. It made Seonghwa worry, beyond doubt. None of yesterday seemed real to him, Daeun wasn't involved in her best friend's death, there was no boy called Leedo nor did she run away from her problems.

But that's exactly what happened.

For the whole day he was stuck in his own mind, trying to make sense of the world that was seemingly cornering him into endless questions that only bought more doubt.

But one thing he's sure about is that Daeun did not kill the girl. It was raining, it was dark, it was on a freeway- anything could've happened that night.

He shuddered at the thought, his nails digging deep into his knees, his eyes wondered around the courtyard.

For once he felt happy to be alone, it left him time to think. And there would be no one questioning his unusual behaviour, with his eyes flickering around the place, he fished his phone out of his pocket.

heyy u ok?

Suddenly he found the worry that's surrounded him all day be replaced with fear. She wasn't ok.

bby talk to me

He let out an airy chuckle. He wasn't helping the situation he caught himself in, he wasn't helping her to be exact.

And that's when he realised he cares.
He cares too much and it fucking hurts.

That warm sensation he'd feel in his chest, the butterflies in his stomach meant love, a word he wasn't accustomed to.

Before she arrived, all he did was play around with girls. He didn't love anyone.
But after she arrived, suddenly all he thinks about is her.

It shouldn't be like this.

you don't care.
you can't care.
you can't love her.
she's nothing to you.

break the fucking bet.

Soon he found himself on his feet, suddenly walking towards the back of the school, his pace quickening by the second as he ignored the stares he's receiving and the loving smiles he's getting from girls.

But this time he doesn't smile back.
He keeps on walking and walking until he halts abruptly in front of the locked gates, hidden away behind the buildings.

His gaze travels up the brick wall till it reaches the top, a smirk grazing his rosy lips, his feet crunch against the torn leaves on the ground, taking slow steps backward, eyes set at the top of wall.

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