Chapter 25

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━━ ❛ he knows a lot more than you think ❜ ━━

As Daeun entered the classroom, immediately spotting Jiwoo in her seat, she hurried over to her, lips rising into a forceful smile as she sat down, whipping her head to her best friend who raised her brows at her almost boredly

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As Daeun entered the classroom, immediately spotting Jiwoo in her seat, she hurried over to her, lips rising into a forceful smile as she sat down, whipping her head to her best friend who raised her brows at her almost boredly.

The first week of school was awkward enough having Yuta back, but Jiwoo hadn't said a single word to him since- leading Daeun to confront her about it. 

"What's wrong with you and Yuta?" 

Immediately the smile on her lips drops as she exhaled a sharp breath, shaking her head in response, "Nothing really. Just the fact that I hate him just as much I hate Seonghwa."

"Yeah but why?" Daeun pressed on, eyes staring into hers curiously as Jiwoo shrugged.

"Daeun-ah I hope you've realised he's a bit of a dick, and I don't like to associate myself with people like him."

Daeun nods hesitantly, sort of understanding her point but she knows there's more to this than just his attitude. Jiwoo clearly despises him more than Seonghwa.

However hearing footsteps tread in her direction makes her eyes flicker up to Seonghwa, a loveable smile plastered across his lips causing her to do the same.

"You just left so I got worried. You ok?" Seonghwa asks, eyes reflecting a caring warmth yet worry for the grinning girl as she nods erratically.

"It was nothing." She chuckles, kicking Jiwoo who's gagging at the couples conversation.

"Well then I'll see you at break. And hello to you too Jiwoo." Seonghwa grins as Jiwoo scowls, ignoring him as he makes his way back to his seat.

"Tell your boyfriend to not talk to me or interact with me in any sort of way." She mumbles, the irritation obvious in her voice as Daeun pouts, head falling onto her shoulder.

"It would be nice you know, if you guys could be friends. For my sake of course."

"I love you but Seonghwa's too much of a stretch don't you think?"

Daeun laughs, her aligned teeth peeking out from underneath her pink lips until she sees Yuta striding to his seat, others already cowering out of his way.

He definitely enjoys the fear he received.

"Look whose here." Jiwoo snarls from beside her, gritting her teeth irritatedly as she twists her body away from him.

However Daeun smiles at Yuta, she doesn't mind being friends with him, he doesn't seem too bad for someone so horrible.
As she smiles at him, he doesn't smile back but instead scoffs with disgusted eyes.

Her breath hitches almost immediately, taken aback by his sudden attitude.

Her eyes widen when he doesn't utter a word and just sits down in the seat behind her, sharp eyes staring right through her.

He doesn't know, does he?

Clearing away the alarming feeling, her fingers tighten around the pencil in her hand. Blood rushing to her ears, heart thumping with a sudden unfamiliar fear, he can't know.

Yuta could see her fidgeting continuously and he smirks, leaning sideways so he could take a better look at her dread-filled face, "Daeun-ssi are you ok?"

Almost flinching at the sound of his scornful voice, she answers calmly, "Yep I'm fine, why?"

Jiwoo scoffs listening the convo, what game is Yuta playing now? After everything that's happened she's had enough of his bullshit, "Shut the fuck up Yuta. Stop annoying Daeun."

Now it's Yuta's turn to scoff, "Oh so now you're speaking to me?"

Daeun watched as his eyes flicker to Jiwoo who seems more than pissed, "Would you fuck off please?"

She remains calm and composed while Yuta grows more and more frustrated, "Could you not interrupt mine and Daeun's conversation please?" He requests mockingly.

Turning to face him, Jiwoo's eyes pierced coldly into his, lips fixed in an unfaltering line, "I will, you're annoying my friend and that's pissing me off."

"You replaced me so easily huh." the words slipped put of his mouth like the dew dripping from a leaf, smoothly and unwavingly, it it sounding more of a statement making Daeun's jaw drop, Jiwoo and Yuta, close?

Jiwoo sighs, clearly not interested in arguing anymore as she turns back to the front, eyes stoic of emotion.

The silence was tense as no one spoke, Daeun sat still- surprised but also confused. It seems there's more to Yuta than what meets the eye.

Meanwhile Yuta's eyes burnt holes into the back of Daeun's head, before his lips lift into a slight smirk.

He's got her all figured out.

ooooh drop urtheories here ☕

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ooooh drop ur
theories here

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