Chapter 83

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"I can't feel my fucking legs!"

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"I can't feel my fucking legs!"

Daeun laughed as Lucas fell to the ground, wailing loudly, his fingers dug deep into the rich soil, visible sweat trickling down the side of his head.

It was night; the dark river of vivid stars stretching far, far away. Moonlight seeped through the cracks of emerald leaves, a pale light cascading over them. There was a low wind in the air, gently pushing past them as they finally arrived back at the site, most exhausted and tired after walking uphill for hours while others were hungry and angry- hangry… Wooyoung being one of them.

"I want a beef burger!" His irritating voice shrieked out from metres away.

"They never shut up, do they?" Daeun grumbled, her stone gaze locked on the group of eight as they all yelled at each other to their heart's content.

Lucas peered up at her, his skin a deathly pale, Daeun staggered back. "I don't feel well."

"You don't look it either." She murmured, pressing the back of her hand against his clammy forehead before a tiresome sigh slips from her lips. "Where's Taeyong when you need him?"

"Can you help me to my room?" Lucas pouted, his chin wrinkling at how full his lips became. "My legs are numb."

Daeun raised a brow at him, trying her best not to smile. She can't lie that he's cute when he acts all innocent and fluffy. "Yeah sure- just try not to crush me."

He couldn't help but smile as she hoisted him up, her one hand secured around his waist while the other held onto his hand that draped off her shoulders, gently brushing against her ribs. She felt warm against him, it was making him go insane.

"Do you remember?" She blurted out.

Lucas tilted his head to the side, frowning as his eyes stared into hers, yet she looked ahead- purposely avoiding him, a rosy hue painting across her cheeks. "Remember what?"

"The first time we met." Daeun answered nonchalantly, as though it was the most obvious thing to know. "You and Seonghwa were fighting and for some peculiar reason he was winning. You were a bloody mess and I stepped in… God I'm making it sound so cringe but like… how we're walking right now is how I helped you back then- we were walking, just like this."

Electrifying warmth spread through him when she finally looked him in the eye, a timid smile on her lips. He only grinned. "Not you remembering every single detail-"

"Shut up." She grumbled, her cheeks burning even more at his relentless teasing. She feebly attempted to be nostalgic but all he cares about is making her feel embarrassed.

"I made such a bad impression of me." Lucas wailed. "I swear I always beat Seonghwa in a fight it's just… I was sick and-"

"Excuses." Daeun smirked, rolling her eyes as his jaw drops open. "I'm joking, I don't care who wins in your useless fights."

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