Chapter 19

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━━ ❛ suddenly nothing felt right to him ❜ ━━

After careful planning and several arrangements, Daeun and Ten had organised a get together for everyone on New year's eve

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After careful planning and several arrangements, Daeun and Ten had organised a get together for everyone on New year's eve.

Taeyong had carelessly suggested going to a bar and just get drunker than drunk but instead they're going to a restaurant located next to a park, where there will be fireworks when the clock strikes 12.

Seonghwa on the other hand stood on his garden patio, the night sky become darker and darker above him as he takes a seat on the bowl chair. He shivered in his jumper, taking his phone out of his tracksuits.

He knows Daeun's out today but for some reason he wants her soft, assuring voice to just talk to him. He's been feeling down after the Christmas dinner, like everything had went wrong and he didn't do anything to make it right. And all he needs is Daeun.

He scoffed, what was he thinking? He threw the phone onto the other chair, letting out a soft sigh.

Lately everyone's been out and about especially his step mum and dad, so Seonghwa's been completely alone for three days, only talking through texts and phone calls. And all this loneliness caused himself to think and question everything.

Especially his mum.

"I miss you mum." He whispers, looking up at the pitch black sky that thousands of stars illuminated with a dim light.

Pulling his knees up against him, a weak huff left his lips, he squinted his eyes shut, wanting to keep the tears at bay.

Yet one rolled off his cheeks, falling onto his jumper before being followed by more.

Usually he's not the one to cry, even by himself but tonight feels different.

Tonight he feels lonely.

[ … ] 

"Damn it's cold as fuck." Taeyong mutters, as he poured himself another drink.

They all sat around a circular table, wearing puffy coats and scarves that encased their necks, while laughing and teasing each other. And from time to time they had a drink or two, just to celebrate the end of a ❝brilliant❞ year.

Well not for Daeun.
This year has been stressful, scary and depressing.

She sat next to Lucas, her puffy coat hugging her body. She shivered beside him at the icy weather and unknown to her she leaned closer his chest.

Immediately Lucas froze, eyes widening in shock, he looked down to see Daeun basically falling into him.

His arm slowly and carefully rested on her shoulder, propping her up a bit so her head  plopped down onto his shoulder.

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