Chapter 64

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tw /// talks about self harm

Tension high in the air, awkwardness residing in it, the two sat on the couch- Daeun on one side while Seonghwa was on the other

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Tension high in the air, awkwardness residing in it, the two sat on the couch- Daeun on one side while Seonghwa was on the other. Seonghwa rested comfortably, his legs stretched and his arm leaned against the rest, scrolling through his phone with his frizzy blond hair covering his gloomy eyes. He would occasionally throw a glance or two at Daeun who stared lifelessly into the space in front of her, not even looking at him once. He dismissed her lack of attention with reason, she was sad and he was just there to make sure she was okay.

It's not like she should care about him anymore.

Daeun on the other hand sat stiffly, her knees pressed up right against her and her bare arms wrapped around it. Her fingertips softly drummed against her calves, her nerves shambolic and running wild within her yet she kept herself compressed into the couch, appearing calm and composed on the surface.

But underneath that, her sealed self couldn't stop replaying the last moments of Eunha's life.

Her sentence was cut off with her own scream as Daeun's finger suddenly slipped away from her coat, her eyes widening in shock and her body suddenly paralyzing.

Eunha toppled down to the road, tripping over the tall grass so she landed flat on the ground.

And the car that had slammed into her.


Daeun didn't even notice the tears forming in the corner of her eyes until they stealthily slither down her cheeks- leaving it damp and flushed. Immediately her hand flew to her cheek, a slap sound breaking the obscure tranquillity they had withstand. The sound caught Seonghwa's attention straight away, his head flicking in her direction, his throat grew dry.

She was crying.

He inched towards her, tugging his hood down but as soon as he even tried to move to her she sprung up, incessantly wiping way the hot tears as her sniffles replaced the silence. Seonghwa froze at the abrupt movement, not moving any closer to her when he realises how uncomfortable she was.

"I-I'll be in the bathroom." She whispered through her sniffling and Seonghwa nodded reluctantly, his clasp around his phone becoming rigid.

As soon as Daeun entered her bathroom, she slammed the door shut, locking it instantly. Why did Seonghwa even come? After everything how dare he have the guts to even look at her.

The persistence began to frustrate her, he should've moved on and forget about them, but the fuckboy wouldn't leave her alone. And today she needed to be alone, she needed to suffer by herself but Seonghwa just had to pop in to her life one more time.

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