Chapter 27

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"I swear I swear I won't tell

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"I swear I swear I won't tell."

"Good you better not."

Taeyong pouts, stretching his legs as he and Daeun flopped lazily on the stairs, not looking each other in the eye because of the awkward situation.

Seonghwa left them alone, he felt the dire embarrassment want to eat him up yet he kept his confident aura present, he is not going to be a damn pussy because of a stupid kiss.

Meanwhile Daeun couldn't even look anywhere near confident, she felt ashamed and embarrassed to even look Taeyong in the eye.

"So… are you and Lucas ok?"

Elevating her brows, Daeun nods slowly, confusion evident in her soft features, "We haven't been the closest after Ten's show but I think that's because we're both busy."

"You think?" Taeyong questions, a small scoff escaping his lips as he shakes his head, how stupid is this girl? This just concludes his suspicion, Lucas most definitely likes Daeun.

"What's your sudden interest in our friendship anyway?" Daeun scoffs back, stretching her legs as well but it barely reached Taeyong's making him chuckle, somewhat adoring her cuteness.

"Nothing, I was just wondering." Dread filled within him at the thought of Lucas liking Daeun.

Of course it isn't a bad thing, it happens, but Lucas and Seonghwa despise each other to death and they both like the same girl.

The only reason they don't have fights anymore is because Daeun's with him.

As messed up as it sounds, Taeyong doesn't want Lucas to like Daeun in that sense. It will only lead to mass chaos.

And besides she likes Seonghwa, not Lucas, which is another obstacle for him.

"Yo you ok? you just blanked out." Daeun asks, her face blank and bored as Taeyong snaps out of his daze.

For a split second, he wished she hadn't come to this school. He nods enthusiastically, a wide grin etched on his lips, "You should be going home now. Seonghwa must be waiting for you, so get going."

"I'll talk to you later." Daeun chuckles, scrambling to her feet before jogging down the steps.

Glancing at Taeyong one last time, she waves and he waves back, chuckling, before she disappeared behind the gates.

Getting up, Taeyong gazed at the grey clouds ahead, squinting at the darkening tone that's saturating through the sky, it's going to be dark soon.

Hearing footsteps behind him, he immediately whipped around only to see Lucas.

He grins at Taeyong, "Yuta's not here yet?"

"He's in detention for purposely breaking coach Gwan's bike." Taeyong sighs irritatedly, "I swear when will that kid learn his lesson."

"Never." Lucas laughs, slapping Taeyong on his shoulder in amusement making him roll his eyes.

"I was with Daeun before." Taeyong starts, eyes piercing into Lucas as he suddenly stiffened, nodding abruptly, "Is there something you should be telling me?"

Shivers ran down Lucas spine, he gulped down the lump in his throat, eyes settled on the floor, "No-"

"Lucas, whatever it is bro you can tell me. I won't tell." Taeyong smiles slightly, propping an arm around his broad shoulders. He didn't want to force an answer out of him, he just wants to hear the honesty flow out of his voice.

Hands messaging the sides of his head, Lucas let out a bitter sigh, sharing a nervous look with the older guy, "You swear you won't tell."

"Course not." Taeyong winks as Lucas stood opposite him, hands forcefully clenched in fists. He feels so lost and hopeless about what to do with his feelings.

But for now, maybe explaining it to someone may help.

The grey clouds moved in the darkening sky, trees swaying in the cold wind. Lucas bit his bottom lip, hands shoved in his coat pockets as a guest of wind pushes against him, "You already know I like Daeun don't you?"

"I may act stupid but trust me you were a bit too bait about it."

Taeyong's eyes stayed on his, observing the look of shame he has, the way his eyes stayed glued to ground- almost as though he didn't enjoy the feeling of loving her.

"It's complicated, it's as if I've lost all hope in me. I sometimes want to give up knowing Seonghwa won her before me. But I can't let go of her easily… I don't want to."

A soft sigh withdrew from Taeyong's lips, he couldn't bear to see Lucas looking this sad. Truthfully he's never seen him this upset before, so it's left him even more confused on what to do.

Lucas on the other hand wants some guidance but he can't just woo Daeun off her feet while she has a boyfriend.

That would make him the bad guy and he doesn't want that.

"However," Lucas suddenly begins, gazing up at Taeyong with an unreadable look, "Something tells me Seonghwa won't be with her forever, so I'll wait."

Taeyong's brows lifted in bewilderment, stunned at his claim. Hands stylishly in pockets, he glanced around before drifting in closer, "Do you know something I don't?"

"No, but it's Seonghwa man you can't expect him to be with Daeun for long-"

"He's been dating her for 2 months Lucas, by the looks of it I think they seem ok." Taeyong cuts in smoothly, calm and collected to see if Lucas would snap but thankfully he didn't look so bothered.

The slamming of the school entrance snap their heads to Yuta, who looks beyond pissed. His lips parting as he let out a snarl, eyes burning with pure ignited anger, hands in tight fists.

"Mr Gwan is still such a dick, fuck I should've popped both the wheels." Yuta spat, walking to the two guys that stood quietly, listening to him bicker. He halted in front of them, glancing at both of them in distaste, "What's with you two?"

"Nothing." They both exclaim in unison making Yuta mutter under his breath, "Weirdos."

As they ambled down the steps and out the gates, making small talk on the way, Yuta eyed them both- already sensing something was up but he decided not to say anything.

"So Bae Daeun," Yuta suddenly starts as their eyes flicker to his wearily, "Why's she suddenly hanging with us?"

"Well she's nice and Jiwoo basically introduced her to us." Taeyong answers before interrogating, "Why? You don't like her?"

"Yeah I don't." Yuta chuckles as though his confession rang a sense of humour through him whilst the two boys shared awkward glances with each other.

"I don't see anything bad about her." Lucas mumbles as Yuta chuckles again but this time it sounded more dark and bitter rather than amused.

"Trust me, the time will come."

get ready tehehe 😏

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get ready tehehe 😏

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