Chapter 84

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Daeun hated games; especially with a whole year group full of competitive students

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Daeun hated games; especially with a whole year group full of competitive students.

"Now your tags should have your names written on it in bold and it has to be on your back- not your stomach, not your arms, not your legs. Your back." Mr Lee repeated more seriously, eyeing the group's of students with suspicion lurking in his dark irises. "And as for your bells they must be tied around your collar, nowhere else. Your sash must be hooked and it has to fall from your shoulder to the opposite side of your waist. If any of you are spotted out there without your tags on your back, your bell not around your collar, and your sash not on your torso, you are automatically out and to come back here along with the others that have been caught."

Daeun awkwardly glanced around, her own blue sash hooked to the crook of her neck down to her waist. Yuta had the same colour, along with a moody Jiwoo and a grinning Lucas. He radiated excitement and energy.

"Moving on to the rules." Another teacher had spoken up, this time a tall woman who had a cheerful smile on her lips. "There is a total of 20 teams. There will be 5 groups playing out there at once, all consisting of 6 members. 2 of the 5 groups will start off as the seekers while the rest of you have to hide. Every 5 minutes the roles will change via through a megaphone, meaning the seekers will have to hide and the ones hiding will become seekers. Again the roles will reverse every 5 minutes."

"The games will go on for 20 minutes and in those 20 minutes your roles will have changed four times. If the seeker find you and takes your name tag off, you're out and will have to come back here straight away." The teacher concludes the rules with an assuring smile. "Your sash colour is according to which team you're apart of- no switching around. Now please listen to the president of your year group as he goes through the rest of the rules."

Jaehyun steps onto the table, his own yellow sash catching everyone's attention. He clears his throat before speaking.

"Pushing, kicking, hitting- anything that causes direct injuries will automatically result in a foul, and you will be out." Jaehyun states, his authoritative tone making some nod in agreement. "No cheating, no truanting and no switching. No one is allowed to switch teams just to be with their friends or your current significant other, that way the game becomes biased and can easily lead to… physical violence which is unneeded because this is supposed to be a fun game."

"If anyone is caught through a seeker or caught because of bending the rules, you come back here and wait out the rest of the game. Reds, blues, purples, greens and oranges are playing first."

As soon as Jaehyun steps back into the ground, excited chatter fills the air. Daeun turns to face Lucas with a scowl.

"You're going to lose because of me."

He chuckles, hand gripping her shoulder as he tilts his head to the side playfully. "You better try elsa because I want to win- you know me and you know how I hate to lose in a game, especially in one like this."

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