Chapter 56

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The scent of fresh roses lingered around Daeun as she sauntered to school excitedly, a bright smile fixed on her face and her cello bobbing up and down against her back because of her jitterness

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The scent of fresh roses lingered around Daeun as she sauntered to school excitedly, a bright smile fixed on her face and her cello bobbing up and down against her back because of her jitterness. It was April the 3rd aka Seonghwa's birthday! And after spending long hours cooped up in her room last night, she finally finished wrapping up his gift and also made him a dozen cupcakes- thankfully without burning down her building.

It was his 18th birthday and Daeun would've gone ahead to plan a huge party but Seonghwa intervened saying he's got other stuff planned. Reluctantly she agreed to go with whatever it was.

She carried on strolling through the empty morning streets until she made it to the already bustling school. As she entered happily, she walked towards her locker, not noticing the unusual looks and sniggers that were being thrown her way.

meet me at the rooftop

Daeun frowned slightly as she softly pushed her locker shut, the gifts safely locked inside. She didn't know why but there was that churning feeling in her that could sense something was wrong. And her paranoia wasn't helping.

When she looked up from her phone, she was met with a dozen piercing stares from pupils around her, all disgusted expressions on their faces. Her frown became more prominent, bewildered by their faces, she quickly strode to the set of stairs that led up to the rooftop.

what's with everyone?

She questioned as she walked up the stairs, also receiving the same looks from before, all disgusted or amused with her presence. A girl bumped past her, her elbow digging into Daeun's side, immediately laughing with her friends after as they all sent and snickers her way.

Daeun scoffed, not bothered to say something, she continued walking up the stairs.

Finally she came to a stop at an unfamiliar blue door and without hesitating she gently pushed it open. She froze when she saw Seonghwa and the rest of his friends there, seemingly waiting for her.

They were all sitting around each other, except for Seonghwa and Hongjoong who were standing and talking to each other. Daeun could easily spot all of them except Yeosang. If you squinted hard enough, you could see he was at the far end, laying down on his blazer with his eyes closed, unbothered by the world around him while the sun bathed into his glimmering melanin skin.

She watched him for a second, a small smile enticing her rosy lips, they haven't talked for a while and she couldn't like that she didn't miss there small conversations. Her gaze diverts to Seonghwa's. He was staring back at her.

"Finally she's here." Mingi grumbled from beside a grinning Yunho. His back was against the chalky brick wall of a shed of some sort, his dark eyes staring right through her.

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