Chapter 81

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"You have got to be kidding me

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"You have got to be kidding me." Daeun muttered, anger igniting in her core as her eyes run over the stunned faces.

An awkwardly smiling Seyeon sat beside her boyfriend Kihyun right at the front of the coach, scoffing at Daeun. Yep he still hates her and she doesn't mind hating him back.

In the middle sat some other rich kids that Daeun barely knew but Seonghwa knows basically all of them. And towards the back of the coach was Seonghwa and his group of friends, all smugly smirking except him when they saw her come into view.

This coach was filled with all the wealthy and plainly bratty kids- and it was not a coincidence.

Daeun stood frozen in the long aisle, irritation, rage, frustration and other destructive emotions gnawing at her as her hand forms a mere first, abruptly sealing everything she was feeling in that second.

"Miss please take a seat." The driver calls as he faces her direction.

A curt nod is her sole response as she begins to slowly walk past all the affluent adolescents, their visible stares only making her fume with annoyance. It was needless to say she disliked them all.

As Daeun tows her luggage with her, her lips downcasted and her eyes staring lifelessly ahead- avoiding all the breathing souls around her, Hongjoong was the first to laugh at her arrival.

"It's great to see you again Daeun!" He exclaimed with a dangerous, smug smile. Yeosang sighed from beside him, shaking his head in disapproval.

God, the fakeness in his tone is basically pleading Daeun at this point to just gouge out his eyeballs, or better yet- simply push him in a pool of hairy tarantulas.

Sadly she doesn't want to get her nails dirty and nor will she ever for him.

But she can still play whatever game he was playing with her.

"Fortunately I can't say the same about you Hongjoong."

His face hardened at her merely truthful response while San and Wooyoung burst out into their synchronised high-pitched laughter, their gaze dead set on a smiling Daeun who stopped at Hongjoong's row.

A smirk plays on Hongjoong's lips as he regains his playful demeanour within seconds, his calm composure making Daeun raise a brow. "We both know you don't mean that."

"Yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night." She yawned uninterestedly, leaving Hongjoong dumbfounded as she begins to advance towards the back of the bus- the whole row being empty, she sits right next to the window, placing her small suitcase next to her rather than the filled compartments above her.

She'd rather have her stuff close to her than let those delusional bastards be near it.

As soon as she became comfortable in the corner seat, the coach began to move steadily, the stifled sounds of bags clashing and rolling above their heads as well as the excited yells and cheers of the lunatics just seats away from her piercing through her ears.

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